A teenager died of sepsis after complaining of feeling sick on a school trip, the inquest said.
A teenager died of sepsis on a school trip to New York after telling his teacher that he was feeling sick.
Bristol Grammar School student Anau Glow, 17, was sentenced to death at Mount Sinai West Hospital in December 2019.
Avon Coroners Court heard she was on a school trip to Washington, Philadelphia, and New York at the time.
Her parents told her teacher that Anna thought she had a breast infection and asked her to see a doctor two days before her death, which was “rejected.” Said.
However, one teacher said Anna only complained of tiredness and stuffy nose and did not seek medical attention directly.
After five days of inquest, Anna collapsed in a hotel room on the morning of December 19 and was sentenced to death after arriving at the hospital.
A report by the Chief Inspector of the City of New York concluded that Anna in Redland, Bristol, died of bronchopneumonia and sepsis with an upper respiratory tract infection.
In a statement read at the Inquest, Anna’s mother, Natalia Uglow, explained that she was a “conscientious” student who was a very active and senior governor at school.
Anna was absent from school for two days before her trip due to cold-like symptoms, but felt better and left Bristol for Washington on early December 14.
The next day, Anna told her mother that she was “exhausted” and toured Washington with fellow students and teachers Rory Hambury and Ellis Claire.
On December 16, Anna “explained that she had no energy to walk,” and asked her to stay at the hotel while the group went to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
They traveled by train from Washington to Philadelphia on December 17, and Anna called her mother several times during the trip.
“Ana said she had a chest infection, was feeling much worse, and was worried that she might have a fever and a cough,” said Mrs. Uglow.
“The teachers really annoyed her because she was out of breath and exhausted and couldn’t keep walking, but they just ignored her and continued.
“She said they were” true history fanatics, and they only care about chasing those sites and are very excited about them. “
“I was worried about her and told Anna to talk to her teacher, see her doctor and call her back. I told her she needed to get results. He exaggerated the symptoms and told her parents to say they were worried.
“I also offered to talk to them myself. Anna reported to Mr. Hambury that he would be warmer if he had a chest infection and advised him to take paracetamol. I think I talked about it once in a while.
“It was also said that he advised a Philadelphia pharmacist to get a stronger drug and take him to a doctor if he felt sick in New York.”
Later that day, Anna sent her mother a text message saying, “I feel a little better.”
Mrs. Uglow said in an inquest:
She said her daughter “respected” both Mr. Hambury and Mr. Claire and did not want to “persist” them.
On December 18, Anna told her mother that she was ill and wasn’t sleeping, and asked her teacher if she could stay in a hotel room that day, but she said, “I can’t be alone, so I was forced to go on a walking tour. “.
The next day, Dr. Uglow received a call from the school principal that Anna was in crisis at the hospital.
Mrs. Uglow said she rang the travel emergency number before sending the text message. “Why didn’t you take Anna to the doctor when she asked?”
She told the inquest: “I was very furious at the teachers who ignored Anna’s request to see a doctor on Tuesday morning and did nothing to save her life after she got sick overnight.”
Dr. Uglow explained that he received a phone call from the principal informing him that Anna was hospitalized.
“I told the principal that the teacher was treating Anna badly,” said Dr. Uglow.
Showing evidence, Mr. Hambury said he felt tired and complained of a stuffy nose in the days before Anna died.
On a train trip, she asked, “What happens if I feel sick in New York?” But she said she didn’t ask her to see a doctor directly.
Mr. Hambury claimed to have told Anna that he could see a doctor in that case and suggested taking paracetamol. After that, she looked “much brighter”.
He later advised her to buy decongestants and cough syrups from New York pharmacies.
On December 18, Anna took a walking tour before shopping with a friend, but said that night during a tour of the Empire State Building, she was “coughing” and “lending to a bottle and nauseating.” ..
Mr. Hambury woke up when Anna was sick, had a heartbeat, and knocked on the door at around 6:30 am on December 19th, complaining of a backache.
Anna walked “normally” and talked back to the hotel room, but about an hour later, a friend came and said she was sick.
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