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World Hypertension Day 2021: The Importance of Blood Pressure Monitoring to Prevent Hypertension in the COVID19 Crisis


World Hypertension Day is celebrated to raise people’s awareness of high blood pressure. Therefore, interventional cardiologist Dr. Chetan Bhambure makes us understand why it is important to monitor blood pressure to prevent hypertension in the crisis of COVID 19.

Importance of monitoring blood pressure with COVID19

World Hypertension Day 2021: The Importance of Blood Pressure Monitoring to Prevent Hypertension in the COVID19 Crisis

World Hypertension Day is celebrated to raise awareness of hypertension. The coronavirus has caused havoc around the world. People with comorbidities such as diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure are at increased risk of getting sick with Covid-19. Therefore, it takes time for people with high blood pressure to monitor their blood pressure at home. Failure to maintain healthy blood pressure also increases the risk of serious complications from Covid-19. Mortality and morbidity are higher in Covid patients with hypertension. So Dr. Chetam Bambre, an interventional cardiologist at Wokhart Hospital in Miralord, talks about why it’s important to monitor blood pressure daily during the COVID 19 crisis.

1-People who are already taking medications for high blood pressure should keep in touch with their doctor and change their blood pressure control as suggested by their doctor.

2-Some over-the-counter medications taken without a doctor’s prescription can lead to high blood pressure. Therefore, do not self-medicate.

3-Alcohol and caffeine cause high blood pressure, so limit their consumption.

4-Stress can also increase your risk of high blood pressure, so try yoga or meditation to relieve stress. In addition, exercise on a daily basis.

5-Eat a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Do not eat junk foods, oily foods, processed foods, or canned foods. Avoid foods that contain artificial sweets or sodas.

How to monitor blood pressure at home?

1-Select the appropriate sphygmomanometer according to your doctor’s suggestion.

2-Before monitoring your blood pressure, you should sit still and avoid drinking caffeinated beverages or exercising for 30 minutes. Try emptying your bladder before measuring your blood pressure.

3-Sit straight and your feet will lie flat on the floor. Do not sit with your legs crossed. Then check the instructions on your blood pressure monitor and follow them accordingly.

4-Take measurements twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. Check your blood pressure at the same time.

5-Continue to get 2-2 readings to make sure the readings are correct. Keep your blood pressure journal just to record your measurements. Use a high quality sphygmomanometer and consult your doctor immediately if you notice any abnormal readings. Don’t ignore your health, and stay safe.

Read again: International Day of Families: 6 ways to build a blissful relationship with your family in the crisis of COVID19

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