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Research shows a coronavirus vaccine that is highly protective against hospitalization and death

Research shows a coronavirus vaccine that is highly protective against hospitalization and death



Current COVID-19 shots show that Pfizer-BioNTech jabs may be better at blocking at least two warning coronavirus variants, according to a summary of the efficacy of eight COVID-19 vaccines. Provides a high level of protection against hospitalization and death. To a researcher at the University of Florida.

In a paper published on May 21 prior to peer review and publication, university researchers Ira Longini, Julia Shapiro, Natalie Dean, and colleagues found that efficacy against COVID-19-related diseases averaged about 85 after a full course. % And almost 100% protection against severe illness, hospitalization or death.

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In addition to observational studies, they compared data from media reports and journal articles on products that had undergone placebo-controlled, double-blind, late-stage trials.

“These estimates should help build a mathematical model of the effects of vaccination and make policy decisions, including vaccination,” Bloomberg said. They also plan to update their research, funded by the National Institutes of Health, as more information becomes available.

The unprecedented speed at which effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines have been developed and deployed around the world has allowed some economies to resume and recover from the worst pandemics seen in the first century. The road to is paved. Nevertheless, the wild spread of the coronavirus risks creating new mutants that can interfere with the efficacy of these inoculations.

Researchers at the University of Florida further found that protection against all diseases from infection with three so-called strains of concern was spurred by an average of 86% of the first identified B.1.1.7 mutants in the UK, the P.1 strain. Said 61%. Explosive outbreaks in Brazil, and 56% of B.1.351 variants detected in South Africa.

Read again: Double Vaccine Shots Effective Against COVID-19 Variants Detected in India: British Health Organization

They added that the effectiveness of the vaccine was evaluated for vaccinations being deployed locally and globally, the researchers said. These are AstraZeneca Plc, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna Inc., Novavax Inc., Pfizer, Sputnik V, Sinopharm Group Co., Sinovac Biotech Ltd. Consists of the products of.

“Some estimates are based on rigorous, well-planned statistical analysis from a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, while others are extracted from observational studies with different levels of controls. “The researchers said.

They further state that the vaccine’s efficacy against infectivity averages 54%, suggesting that vaccination reduces direct transmission of COVID-19 to others by 54%.


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