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Mucormycosis Treatment Challenges, Oxygen Therapy Links: Top Doctors List | Latest News India

Mucormycosis Treatment Challenges, Oxygen Therapy Links: Top Doctors List | Latest News India


Gujarat and Maharashtra 5000 cases of mucormycosis Or the black fungus (Covid-19) when the country fights a large second wave of coronavirus disease. According to Federal Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Gujarat reported 2165 cases, Maharashtra 1188 cases, Uttar Pradesh 663 cases, Madhya Pradesh 590 cases, Hariyana 339 cases and Andhra Pradesh 248 cases. “Of these 5424 cases of mucormycosis, 4556 had a history of Covid-19 infection, while 875 were found to be non-Covid patients. Diabetes was found in 55% of patients. “It was done,” said the Minister of Health. The 27th Ministerial Group (GoM) was held on Monday at Covid-19.

“We have issued warnings and recommendations. Experts have told us that we need to avoid indiscriminate use of steroids and treat diabetes as thoroughly as possible,” he said. It was. “Amphotericin B 9-rack vials are imported by the central government for the treatment of black ear mushrooms, of which 50,000 vials have been received and approximately 300,000 vials will be available in the next 7 days,” he said. Says.

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Nineteen states have already declared mucormycosis as a disease that can be notified under epidemic law and must be reported to government authorities.

What is Mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis is a deadly and aggressive fungus that causes darkening and discoloration of the nose, swelling of the face on one side, headache, congestion of the nose and sinuses, fever, blurred or double vision, chest pain, dyspnea, and hemoptysis. It is an infectious disease. The disease is closely associated with diabetes and conditions that impair the body’s immune system. According to experts, abuse of certain drugs that suppress the immune system during the Covid-19 pandemic may be causing a surge.

The mortality rate for mucormycosis is 54% and can vary depending on the patient’s condition and affected body parts, data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show.

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Not an infectious disease

Dr. Randeep Guleria, director of the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) in Delhi, said the number of cases of zygomycosis reported on Monday is increasing, but it is not an infectious disease but spreads from person to person. Said not. , Like Covid-19.

Dr. Grelia also warned against using The term black ear mushroom While talking about mucormycosis, because it leads to a lot of avoidable confusion. “Black fungus is another family. The term has become associated with mucor disease due to the presence of black spots in the culture of white fungal colonies. In general, candida, aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, There are many types of fungal infections, including mycosis and zygomycosis. Mucor, candida, and aspergillosis are common in people with weak immunity, “he said at a press conference.

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“Candida fungal infections can manifest themselves in symptoms such as white spots on the mouth, mouth, and tongue. They can infect the genitals and are also found in the blood (in this case, they can be serious). Aspergillosis, which is relatively uncommon, affects the lungs by creating cavities in the lungs and invades the lungs. Most of the cases observed with Covid-19 are mucorgillosis. Aspergillus. Symptoms are occasionally observed and Candida is found in some people. “

High risk category

“It has been found that 90-95% of patients infected with Mucor’s disease are diabetic or have taken steroids. This infection is rarely found in people with diabetes who are not taking steroids. I can’t see it, “Guleria said.

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He also said the patient below High risk categoryPeople who are using steroids for uncontrolled diabetes, are Covid-19 positive, and have the following symptoms should be reported to their doctor immediately. “Some warning signs of zygomycosis, such as headache, rust and bleeding from the nose, swelling under the eyes, and decreased facial sensation, are early when observed in high-risk patients and patients taking steroids. You need to notify your doctor for diagnosis and treatment of the disease, “he said.

Not clearly associated with oxygen therapy

“Many patients who were treated at home and did not receive oxygen therapy were also found to be infected with mucormycosis. Therefore, there is a clear link between oxygen therapy and the detection of the infection. There is no sex, “added Dr. Guleria.

Treatment challenges

Antifungal treatment lasts for weeks and has proven difficult for hospitals as Covid-19 patients and other patients with Mucor disease need to be accommodated in separate wards. Surgery should also be performed with caution, as aggressive surgery for mucormycosis can adversely affect Covid-19 patients.

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According to experts, opportunistic infections are very likely in diabetics, so maintaining proper hygiene is very important. They also said that torses using oxygen concentrators should ensure regular cleaning of the humidifier.

Types of mucormycosis

Mucormycosis can be categorized according to the organs of the human body that it attacks. Signs and symptoms of infection also depend on the affected body part.

Rhinoceros orbital encephalopathy: Infects the nose, orbit / orbit, and oral cavity and can spread to the brain. Symptoms include headache, stuffy nose, runny nose (green), sinus pain, nosebleeds, swelling of the face, lack of facial sensation, and discoloration of the skin.

Pulmonary mucor disease: This fungal infection affects the lungs and causes fever, chest pain, cough, and hemoptysis.

The fungus can also infect the gastrointestinal tract.


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