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Can Virtual Reality Help Older People? Research Wants To Find

Can Virtual Reality Help Older People? Research Wants To Find


Pompano Beach, Florida (AP) — Three residents of Terry Collie and John Knox Village’s senior community went to the International Space Station on Tuesday using a computer. This is a kick-off of Stanford University’s research on whether virtual reality can improve emotions. The elderly are fine.

Imagine four people wearing a headset with one pound (470 grams) of video and sound and floating in zero gravity with an astronaut, and take a 360-degree tour of the station. it was. Other programs allow residents to virtually visit Paris, Venice, Egypt, or anywhere in the world. Take part in a car rally, skydive or go hiking.

“It feels good. It’s great. It feels like you’re there,” said Kori, 73, a former spokesman for the Canadian Embassy in Washington.

Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab works with John Knox’s 1,200 residents to provide immediate access to equipment under the supervision of staff members. The goal is to see if virtual reality can improve their mood, strengthen relationships with staff, and make technology more acceptable. Other senior communities in the United States and elsewhere will soon be added by the University of California.

Virtual reality works by linking what people see and hear to actions. For example, on a VR trip to Paris, participants can turn left to see the Eiffel Tower playing in the foreground and turn right to see the two talking. .. As the participant approaches one, the sound becomes louder and the other becomes quieter.

Jeremy Bailenson, founder of Stanford University, said, “Academic laboratories around the world have shown that proper management of VR can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and reduce pain. A large amount of past work has been published. “This particular study focuses on how VR can be used to reduce the inhabitants’ sense of isolation from the outside world. The isolation faced during the pandemic. After that, it becomes even more important. ”

Collie, Ann Selby, 77, demonstrating Tuesday in a community outside Fort Lauderdale. Mark Lebay, 64 years old. Hulute, 92, moved his head left, right, up and down as he took an individual tour of the space station.

“It feels like you’re traveling, you’re not alone. Some videos show people,” said Levi, a former federal official.

Artist Selby was a little nauseous while traveling on the space station, so I felt a little nauseous, but I was able to deal with it by taking a deep breath.

“I was just in the middle, regardless of age,” she said.

The route of a retired insurance salesman spoke frankly.

Chris Brickler, CEO of the Dallas company MyndVR, who provided the equipment, confirmed that volunteers were mentally fit to use virtual reality and whether participants were overwhelmed by the experience. He said he had been screened to confirm. , Each attendant will see a stop button. Residents of John Knox include people living alone, elderly housing with care, and full-time caregivers and couples.

“As we get older, we may feel that there is some confusion that can occur when we are lacking in movement,” Brickler said. “We can travel as much as we want. We can’t. You can’t connect with nature as much as you like, you can’t connect with animals. All kinds of connections are lost and the four walls begin to shrink. What we’re trying to do is regain the world. It is to create a platform that can do it.

Monica Merkaba, Chief Marketing and Innovation Officer at John Knox, says community managers believe VR helps people. VR has been in limited use for three years. A study at Stanford University “provides empirical data.” For example, she said she wanted to know if VR would help people with dementia who suffer from “sunset.”

“Is this a way to redirect to enjoy something?” She said.

Erica Neely, an associate professor of philosophy at North Ohio University who studies ethics in technology, said Stanford University needs to get enough informed outlets for screen participants, especially not to use VR alone at first. She said it was important to do. She is not involved in the study.

“I don’t want to get involved in the experience when I’m in pain and I don’t know how to stop it,” she said. “(Participants) It’s a genius to have a companion assistant to accompany you …” Well, it’s not always necessary for a person with reduced abilities to roam alone in a physical space. The same applies to virtual space. There is something you can do. “”

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