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Promoting healthy eating practices for babies can later reduce fat and carbohydrate consumption

Promoting healthy eating practices for babies can later reduce fat and carbohydrate consumption


Researchers at the University of Columbia Merman School of Public Health and the Federal University of Desiencias da Saude de Porto Alegre, Brazil, found that pregnant women were trained to promote healthy eating practices for their babies At the age of three, the child’s intake of fat and carbohydrates decreased, and this study shows for the first time that the roots of obesity begin in the first year of life after the mother stops breastfeeding.Survey results are published online Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics..

“The first year of life is an important time to establish habits that influence lifelong health patterns,” said Caroline of the Graduate School of Health Sciences program in Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre, Brazil.・ Mr. N. Sangari said. “The message around the world should not be too early to help mothers feed their children enough to avoid obesity later in life. And this study is It’s a proof of the principle that mothers can change their behavior. “

Most surprisingly, our randomized mothers offered sugar- and fat-rich super-processed foods as early as 6 months of age. This behavior can be explained by cultural influences and the ongoing strong marketing of processed baby foods worldwide. “

Márcia Vitolo, Graduate Program in Pediatrics: Pediatric and Adolescent Healthcare, Federal University of Health Sciences, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Co-Senior Author

The researchers conducted a randomized trial at 31 centers that provide prenatal, infant, and other primary care services to low-income families in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This intervention is based on births from May 2008 to February 2009, with a focus on “10 Steps for a Healthy Diet for Brazilian Children from Birth to 2 Years Old”. It consisted of training programs to increase the knowledge of care workers. Guidelines.

All families were informed through the waiting room poster about complementary foods (ie cookies, snacks, soft drinks, sweets) that should not be offered to children under the age of two. Trained interviewers measured the growth and other outcomes of children aged 6 months, 12 months, 3 years, and 6 years on subsequent home visits. Details such as food type, quantity and cooking method were also recorded.

Energy intake at all ages was lower in the intervention group compared to the control group, with a statistically significant difference at age 3. In addition, the 3-year-old children in the intervention group consumed less carbohydrate and total fat than the control group, and at 6 years of age, the waist circumference became smaller and the skin folds became thinner, resulting in body fat. Accumulation has decreased. “Energy intake in both study groups exceeded requirements in all age groups, but excess energy intake was low in the intervention group,” said LH Lumey, Dr. LH Lumey, Columbia Mailman. Sangalli analyzed said: A public health school funded by the Brazilian government. “At the beginning of the onset, the difference was small, but in the long run, a decrease in daily intake of 92 kcal is up to 33,000 kcal per year. This magnitude change is a change in childhood weight gain. I may be able to explain. “

The findings were particularly impressive with regard to the calories of cookies and powdered chocolate, which are important sources of carbohydrates and fats. Healthcare professional training emphasized sugar, sweets, soft drinks, salty snacks, cookies, and super-processed foods as foods mothers should avoid for babies up to 2 years old.

The 6-year-old intervention group had lower body fat on some measurements, but this difference was not reflected in the BMI score, which is an insensitive measure of excess fat. “However, the prevalence of overweight in the intervention group was 7% lower at age 6 than in the control group, suggesting a valuable public health impact. $ 1.7 billion in health care costs over 6 years. You can save money, “says Vitolo.

“Many people, including Alice Waters, Jamie Oliver, and Michelle Obama, are committed to improving school meals and school-age children’s eating habits to help fight obesity. “We have done so,” said Dr. Lumey, a professor of epidemiology and co-senior author .. “All these efforts should be admired and encouraged. This study suggests. It means that you may have to think earlier. Dietary practices early in life may already have a significant impact on the size of preschool children. “


Journal reference:

Sangari, CN, Et al. (2021) Effect of promoting healthy infant feeding practices on energy intake and anthropometric measurements in children up to 6 years: Randomized controlled trials. Journal of human nutrition and nutrition.


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