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OnlyFans model Briantney Portillo suffers from heart attack due to “dry scoop” epidemic

OnlyFans model Briantney Portillo suffers from heart attack due to “dry scoop” epidemic


The OnlyFans model had a heart attack in the middle of a striptease after being caught up in a dangerous epidemic called the “dry scoop” prevailing on TikTok.

OnlyFans model 20-year-old Briatney Portillo reports that she started uncontrollable sweating, a sign of a heart attack, while working on a striptease.

A heart attack in the middle of some strip shows on the OnlyFans model appears to have been caused by swallowing a spoonful of dry training powder before going to the gym.

This “dry scoop” practice is reminiscent of a dangerous epidemic from the early 2000s. In this epidemic, young people put pressure on each other and swallowed a teaspoon of cinnamon, sometimes with fatal consequences.

she said Buzzfeed She took part in the “dry scoop” TikTok epidemic earlier that day and rushed to the hospital in a bikini. This stunt included taking protein powder before a workout in the gym, “energy. The effect of “giving” is expected.

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“After the pre-workout, my whole body started to tingle and itchy. This wasn’t a good feeling, but when I googled it, it was a normal side effect,” said the OnlyFans model. She had a heart attack during a striptease.

“So I started training. My chest was heavy and I felt a little pain, but it wasn’t so bad. I thought it was probably anxiety or a bad panic attack, so I ignored it. I decided to continue my workout. “

Before she had a heart attack during the strip, the OnlyFans model said her chest pain had subsided and she returned home from the gym suffering from nausea and lightheadedness.

The Daily Dot Portiro then reports that he got a job at a strip club.

But when she started changing clothes for work, she began to experience symptoms again.

Her body was ready to have a heart attack while the OnlyFans model was preparing for a striptease.

“I was wearing a bikini, but I sweated a lot and got soaked,” she said. Buzzfeed..

“Then my chest pain came back and it was more intense this time. I had pain in my back and left arm and my left arm was slightly paralyzed, so I knew these were symptoms of a heart attack.

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At that point, the OnlyFans model stopped the striptease and called an ambulance, reporting that he believed he had a heart attack.

When Britney was in the hospital, her nurse didn’t want to say she had a heart attack because she was young.

The nurse ran a series of tests on the OnlyFans model after she quit her striptease job for fear of having a heart attack.

They found her high troponin levels. This indicates that the OnlyFans model may actually have a heart attack while doing a striptease.

After letting her rest overnight, doctors determined she had a less damaging heart attack known as NSTEMI.

Raseable Portillo reports that he was given permission to resume exercise within a few days of admission.

Dr. Nicole Harkin, a cardiologist based in San Francisco, said [said] She is skeptical of some of the pre-workout ingredients and usually contains “large amounts of caffeine,” artificial dyes, sweeteners, and emulsifiers. Blood pressure rises sharply, which can certainly be harmful to the body, “she said, adding that she often” doesn’t know “what is included in pre-workout supplements.” Not.

This article first appeared Knewz And reprinted with permission


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