Mites Spread Lyme Disease and Other Diseases — Take Precaution Outdoors
When school is over and summer is approaching, both children and adults go out for recreational activities. The sun, fresh air, and movement are good for you, but not bitten by small creatures lurking in the grass. Those who play outdoors are advised to take precautions to avoid ticks and tick-borne diseases.
Wed’s Journey
As a kid growing up in Middletown, Maryland, Brittany Wed didn’t think Dani was a big deal.
“I was always outside. When I came in, I was removing the ticks on the left and right,” she said.
At that time, she didn’t know much about tick-borne illnesses. Today, thanks to her personal experience, Clear Spring’s 33-year-old Wed has become a quasi-expert.
She promotes public awareness of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases and advocates changes to treatment protocols and insurance coverage for treatment at the parliamentary level.
Wed’s journey with Lyme disease began over 20 years ago.
“I was 10 years old. I really got sick after being bitten by a particular tick,” she said.
Her doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the bite, but not the tick infection.
“Basically, from that point on, I was terribly ill,” she said. “My childhood has been plagued with headaches, fatigue, stomach problems, joint pain and more.”
In 2006 or 2007, Wed was bitten by a tick and had Lyme disease again.
“At that point, my doctor was able to identify all my childhood infections,” she said. “I passed through the blood-brain barrier and entered my brain. The reinfection was a warning that something was happening.”
During the second infection, Mr. Wed did not encounter the tick, but developed erythema, a bull eye rash that sometimes accompanies a tick bite.
Wed was a student at Hagerstown Community College at the time, studying science with the aim of becoming an astrophysicist. She received a full scholarship to Northern Arizona University when she was bedridden due to illness.
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“I got sick and couldn’t go to the doctor myself. My neighbor drove me,” she said.
Wed knew that some people at school had mononucleosis and wanted it to be what she was dealing with.
“I had a typical sore throat. I went out of control. But I had bullish eyes, so doctors inspected for lime and stuff,” Wed said. “The test is back and the Lyme disease numbers are off the chart. My doctor called me and said it was one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen.”
Diagnosis of Lyme disease is not painful for everyone, Wedd says. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recognized Lyme disease as a nationally filing condition since 1991, but there is controversy over Lyme disease, its diagnosis and treatment, and insurance coverage.
The results of diagnostic tests are not always clear. Part of the advocacy work associated with Lyme disease is to facilitate research and funding for better testing.
“In my case, I was lucky that the test was decisively CDC positive. It’s not common. It’s really complicated,” Wed said.
In fact, even if the test was positive, it was difficult to find a cure.
“When I went to an infectious disease doctor in 2008, I was told that there was no Lyme disease in Maryland and no Lyme disease,” she said. “Positive for a disease like me. It’s hard for some doctors to see that kind of thinking for those who respond. It’s hard to get the necessary and adequate treatment. “
Pen path
Morgan Penn, 22, who lives in Hagerstown, knows that the diagnosis of Lyme disease is complicated. She was first symptomatic at age 10 and was diagnosed with Lyme disease with a Bartonella coinfection shortly before her 21st birthday.
“I have been chronically ill for 11 years and they figured out what it was,” she said. “There is a lot of overlap between symptoms and treatment.”
Like Wed, Penn grew up in that country, but in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania.
“I was running around in the woods and always peeling off ticks,” she said.
While spending a beach vacation with his family in 2009, Penn developed an unexplained streak.
The rash looked like a stretch mark that turned purple. It ran from her hips to her sternum. Eventually it extended from under her arms to her elbows, back, shoulders and soles.
Penn had never had a bullseye rash, when she and her parents weren’t thinking about Lyme disease. Looking back with the doctors, Penn said he was suspected of being bitten by a tick before the rash appeared.
“If I had been treated with antibiotics within a week or 30 days, I might have been in complete remission and well,” she said.
Instead, she continued to develop new symptoms such as burning neuralgia, allergies, and extreme food hypersensitivity. She also experienced cognitive and mental health concerns associated with Lyme disease and tick-borne diseases.
“There was a muscle spasm that caused a panic attack,” she said. “My muscles get stiff like a horse.”
At the beginning of her high school days, the pulse got worse. Penn experienced arthritic-like joint pain and cognitive decline. She was treated for a temporomandibular joint dysfunction known as TMJ and found severe damage to the soft tissues of the two lumbar discs.
“I had two hernias and was bedridden for 16 weeks between the two episodes,” she said.
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Penn knew he was feeling sick, but thought everyone was feeling like himself.
“A normal kid doesn’t sleep … and when he wakes up he doesn’t realize he’s still exhausted and he doesn’t feel any severe pain in his bones or joints. When nothing seems to be a problem, his shin broke. I felt like, “she said.
Penn was riding a horse all his life, so her instructor with a daughter with Lyme disease recommended that she be tested for Lyme disease.
In June 2019, Penn visited a hospital she called a “doctor familiar with Lyme disease” and had a blood test diagnosed with Lyme disease and Baltonella disease.
“It was the most legitimate experience of my life. They looked up the list of symptoms but didn’t refer a psychiatrist at the end,” Penn said. “They took 24 vials of blood and performed a large number of tests.”
Penn said she received tens of thousands of dollars of herbs and “mostly pharmaceutical protocols.” A family member who recognized the seriousness of the situation helped with the cost.
She experienced a Helksheimer reaction to the treatment. Short-term flu-like symptoms such as headache, arthralgia, muscle aches, sore throat, sweating, chills, and nausea.
Her pedigree is “going in the right direction.” She is in formal remission and continues to receive physiotherapy as part of her treatment. Some injuries, such as lower back problems, are permanent, but Penn said he felt better than he remembered what he had felt in his life.
“Now I can have a coherent conversation without losing my thoughts 15 times. I can eat normal food and have a normal work day,” she said. .. “It’s no exaggeration to say that I didn’t know I felt so good. I thought it was” pretty good, “but I didn’t think it felt so good.”
“Great impersonator”
Wedd’s prognosis is not very good. She also suffers from Babesia, a tick-borne illness, and her immune system is irreversibly impaired, she said. However, the cost of many medicines and treatments is beyond her ability to pay and is not covered by insurance.
She knows someone who has a second mortgage at home to test and treat herself and her children. That’s why she continues to drive research and insurance coverage.
Wedd recommends that anyone suspected of having Lyme disease see a doctor who is familiar with Lyme disease. As more people get the disease, her doctor is learning more about it, she said.
“You wouldn’t go to a regular doctor to have heart bypass surgery because they have little knowledge. If you have Lyme disease or related illness, you need to be up-to-date with current research and treatment. Someone who has the knowledge, “she said.
Mr Wed said Lyme disease is called a “great impersonator.”
“Many people aren’t diagnosed because they look like many other illnesses,” she said. “If you’re not bitten by ticks in the summer, you’ll probably have the flu in the summer.”
Wed and Pen emphasize the importance of prevention.
“I wish I knew better ways to prevent ticks,” Wed said. “Prevention is the best way to treat Lyme disease. Check when you’re out and in. Bring a thread roller over your child. It’s very simple.”
She also recommends putting pants in socks, as “tick crawls up until it finds skin, but the higher the exposed skin, the harder it is to do it.”
“I was skeptical of this whole Lyme disease. I thought Lyme patients were crazy,” she said. “That’s not true.”
For more information on Lyme disease, see the CDC website ( and the International Lyme Disease Society web page ( Please refer to the. Or visit
What to do if you find a tick
- Do not use essential oils, rubbing alcohol, or dish soap to control ticks. It does not “let go” of mites and does not facilitate removal. You can use the tick keys that you can purchase from Amazon to safely get rid of ticks without causing them to regurgitate their stomach contents. This can lead to the spread of the disease.
- Clean the bite area with soap and water.
- Keep ticks. Place in a sealed bag as companies such as Ticknology can identify and test tick-borne diseases. A label with the name, date of removal, and duration of installation.
- Draw a circle around the site with a small marker and take a picture of the bitten site.
- Follow the symptoms and continue to take pictures of the bite area if a rash occurs.
- If you feel unwell, see a doctor familiar with Lyme disease.
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