Pandemic epidemic: 40 years since HIV | News
Williamsport, PA — The coronavirus pandemic is not the only virus that has revolutionized the lives of millions of people.
On June 5, 1981, Americans heard the first buzz that soon became known as the AIDS epidemic. Few people predicted the widespread turmoil that this new virus was about to bring to the world.
In an article published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a weekly report on morbidity and mortality by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), five previously healthy gays in Los Angeles suddenly had a rare lung. It’s been 40 years since I said I was very ill with an infection.
Shortly after this was announced, there were increasing reports of gay men diagnosed with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and other opportunistic infections in the hospital.
The following month, a New York Times article published the phrase “homosexual cancer,” spreading the tide that the virus affected only homosexual men.
In May 1982, the virus was called “gay-related immune deficiency” or “GRID” and the idea of affecting only the homosexual community took hold. As more doctors and scientists begin to learn about the virus, it can affect many heterosexuals, hemophiliacs, people taking intravenous drugs, and sex workers. understood.
The term “AIDS” or “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome” became the official name of the virus in November 1982. Even if the name is changed, the stigma does not change. Despite the wealth of information available about the virus, HIV prejudice is still prevalent today.
The first few years were very painful for those who were afraid of getting sick or losing their loved ones to AIDS-related illnesses. Former President Ronald Reagan remained silent while people were fighting for their lives. He did not speak publicly about AIDS until September 1985. During his years, thousands of people were diagnosed with AIDS and died.
“It’s been 40 years since the HIV epidemic began in the United States. On June 5, 1981, the CDC published an article about five young gay men hospitalized with similar symptoms. This 40 Looking back on the year, it was a difficult time, but there were also many scientific breakthroughs that changed all of the people living with HIV, “said Megan Bloom, a spokeswoman for AIDS Resources with offices at William Sports and State College. Says.
After Reagan’s final presidency in 1988, Aids Resource opened its doors to Williamsport. Since its inception, the institution has provided free services to people living with HIV or AIDS, free testing and prevention tools, and free educational programs for the community. The organization has added a branch of State College and currently offers a range of services to individuals in 10 rural counties in Pennsylvania.
There have been many difficulties during the HIV epidemic over the last 40 years, but many positive results have been obtained. Thanks to antiretroviral drugs, HIV-infected people are now healthy and able to live longer. Now, instead of taking daily tablets, new monthly injections are available.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis PrEP was launched in 2012 as a new way to prevent HIV in people at high risk of becoming HIV positive. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is also taken within 72 hours of possible HIV infection. Take daily for a month to prevent HIV infection.
In 2019, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases issued the following statement if the viral load of HIV-infected persons is undetectable (the amount of HIV in the body is low): They cannot sexually infect others with the virus. Expression “Undetectable is equal to untransmittable” Created by the HIV community, HIV support organizations, and medical professionals specializing in infectious diseases.
“Many people hear the word’HIV’, which is an immediate danger signal. Status,” said Chris Benson from Lycoming County.
Benson is a member of the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s HIV Planning Group, a state committee that oversees federal HIV prevention and care programs, and helps people living with HIV and those at risk of infection. Supports the state-wide care infrastructure needed for this.
HIV is an acronym for “human immunodeficiency virus”.
“This means I’m luckier than others. For example, as a friend of a cancer patient. HIV is likely that my immune system is weaker than others. Means. Being “undetectable” is similar to remission. My personal life Having HIV gave me an instant idea of who understood and who didn’t, “says Benson.
“You no longer have to stigmatize others. Old fears no longer have to be fears. People need to hear the clear and honest divine truth about HIV. If you are not detected, HIV It can’t be infected. It’s a simple thing .. Get frequent tests or take care of it. You take care of it and end this virus too, “Benson explained.
In 2020, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced plans to end the HIV epidemic within 10 years. The goal is to reduce new HIV infections by 75% by 2025 and at least 90% by 2030. Steps to achieving these goals include helping all people living with HIV to be diagnosed, treated promptly, and achieve sustained viral control as soon as possible. Prevents new HIV infections and responds quickly to potential HIV outbreaks.
By 2025, Pennsylvania is expected to have approximately 50,000 HIV cases, which is in line with national goals.
“Pennsylvania has a well-thought-out preventive and care plan in the northeastern United States, which shows how serious we are about public health in the state. We are a resource. And services are prioritized, and their needs are at the forefront, so we are prioritizing and turning around those resources and services. That’s us, “Benson continued. “Ultimately it’s a cure for HIV and we’re just around the corner. The goal is to eliminate the need for HIV prevention and care planning.”
For more information HIV Planning Group, Pennsylvania..
AIDS resourcesHas offices in Williamsport and State Universities and serves 10 counties in central Pennsylvania. AIDS Resource provides free and sensitive HIV / STD testing and clinical case management services.
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