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More than double the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in a week, but the epidemic of young people and unvaccinated is “clear”

More than double the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in a week, but the epidemic of young people and unvaccinated is “clear”


Cases of COVID more than doubled in a week as the epidemic of young people and unvaccinated people became apparent.

It is estimated that 11,908 new cases are currently reported daily, compared to 5,677 reported last week. This is an increase of 110%.

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The new wave of coronavirus infections is most prominent in unvaccinated adolescents.Photo: Clapham Common People, May 22


The new wave of coronavirus infections is most prominent in unvaccinated adolescents. Photo: May 22, Clapham Common PeopleCredit: Alamy

In terms of prevalence, an average of 1 in 543 people in the UK currently have symptomatic COVID, according to data from the Zoe Covid Symptomatology Research App.

However, there is a clear gap between the younger and older generations that reflects unvaccinated and vaccinated.

The number of cases in their twenties is increasing the most, with about 450 effective cases per 100,000 people.

250 per 100,000 in the 40s group and 70 per 100,000 in the 50s.

People over the age of 60 continue to see very low levels of cases.

The number of unvaccinated cases is increasing rapidly, with nearly 10,000 new cases occurring each day, compared to 1,900 for at least one jab.

ZOE has previously stated that new coronavirus infections are much milder in people who receive jabs, suggesting that jabs are working to control serious illness.

Double the number of cases in a week across the UK


Double the number of cases in a week across the UK
Coronavirus infection rate by age group


Coronavirus infection rate by age group
People who have the vaccine against Covid are still infected with the virus, but at a much lower rate than those who are not vaccinated.


People who have the vaccine against Covid are still infected with the virus, but at a much lower rate than those who are not vaccinated.

Professor Tim Spector, a genetic epidemiologist at King’s College London, said:

“But a closer look at the data reveals that this is widespread among the UK’s unvaccinated or partially vaccinated population.

“The good news is that fully vaccinated people have much greater protection. Vaccines are effective, especially if you feel sick, be careful until you are completely vaccinated. I would like to encourage people to pay.

“The competition to fully vaccinate the entire population continues to save lives and return to normal life.”

There are regional differences, so the graph is Northwest There was little change in the southwest.

What are the risks of Covid?

Current Risk of New Daily Covid Infection:

  • Unvaccinated: 1 in 2,908
  • After one vaccination: 1 in 7,091
  • After 2 vaccinations: 1 in 22,455
This graph shows a surge in cases in northwest England and Scotland.


This graph shows a surge in cases in northwest England and Scotland.

In the northwest, there are several “hotspots” where Delta variants have spread rapidly, including Bolton, Blackburn and Darwen, and now Manchester.

Scotland is also overly affected by the stock, with a big spike starting in mid-May.

The city of Stirling in central Scotland has the highest number of people reporting symptoms of coronavirus infection throughout the United Kingdom, around 840 per 100,000.

Professor Spector and colleagues say they believe the R rate is as high as 1.4 in the UK and 1.3 in the UK.

Official R Estimate from Sage, the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group-Last Friday Forecasted 1.0 to 1.2 in EnglandBut this is a few weeks late.

It looks like this Boris Johnson Consider whether to delay the lifting of all Covid restrictions in the UK June 21..

he Last night still dropped his toughest hint For the first time in a few weeks, he didn’t say “nothing left in the data” that could derail the roadmap, which would be a delay.

When he arrived in Cornwall for the G7, he said: “I think everyone can understand very clearly that the number of cases is increasing and, in some cases, the number of hospitalized patients is increasing.”

A senior government official said Financial Times Fearing new variants means that there is a “mix and match approach” “probably on the card” to lift some restrictions.

“Significant” third wave risk

“Professor Lockdown” said last week that he gave the government new modeling. A “significant third wave” warning.

Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London said modeling helped with the first blockade in March 2020.

He told reporters at a press conference yesterday that “it could be significantly lower than or as large as the second wave.”

The size of the waves is “critically dependent” on how effective the vaccine is in protecting people from hospitalization and death.

So far, few people have been vaccinated in hospitals. Among them are three people who received double jab from the new coronavirus.

But Professor Ferguson said the increase in cases “by definition leads to some hospitalizations and deaths,” but added that “it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how important the latter is at this time.”

At the briefing, he and other scientists agreed that the delay in unlocking on June 21 would benefit more people from being vaccinated.

Hospital Hotspots are currently being addressed In response to that request, Chris Hopson, Chief Executive Officer of the NHS Trust’s leading organization, said:

He said hospital leaders were convinced that the vaccine had “broken” the link between infection and the “very high hospitalization and mortality rates” seen in previous waves.

Robert Jenrick says the prime minister is reviewing the data prior to the July 21 free day decision, but cases are “clearly increasing.”

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