Causes of Side Effects After Covid-19 Vaccine – Whidbey Daily News
Some people see the side effects after being vaccinated to protect themselves from the corona epidemic. However, it is very important to know what causes this.
New Delhi. Side effects of vaccines used to prevent coronary heart disease have also been reported. There are individual differences in body changes and side effects after vaccination, but the biggest question and fear of people is why this happens. Some people feel the side effects of the vaccine, while others do not. Clarify the reason.
In fact, temporary side effects after corona vaccination, such as headache, fatigue and fever, indicate an improved immune system, which is the normal reaction of the body after vaccination. And these physiological responses are normal.
“I’m not going to put any strain on my body before I get the vaccine,” said Dr. Peter Marks, head of vaccines at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
What happens in the body after vaccination
According to doctors, the immune system has two main weapons, and the first weapon attack occurs as soon as an external intruder is identified in the body. White blood cells flood the area, causing inflammation and causing colds, pain, fatigue, and other side effects.
That is why this rapid reaction of the immune system slows the age and causes younger people to experience more side effects than older people. In addition, some vaccines are more reactive than others.
The reaction of the human body is different for each person. If you don’t feel anything for a day or two after vaccination, it doesn’t mean that the vaccine isn’t working. Vaccines also provide true protection against the virus by triggering other systems in the body’s immune system and producing antibodies.
Another annoying side effect
When the immune system is activated, lymph nodes, such as the armpits, may temporarily swell. Women are asked to schedule regular mammography prior to COVID-19 vaccination so that swollen nodules are not considered cancer.
However, not all side effects occur on a regular basis. In other words, it doesn’t appear every time. However, after millions of vaccines worldwide and thorough safety monitoring, some serious risks have been identified.
AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have been complained of a small amount of abnormal blood clots in vaccinated people. Although some countries reserve these vaccines for older people, authorities say the benefits of applying them still outweigh the risks.
Others have severe allergies. Therefore, you will be asked to stay in the same center for about 15 minutes after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.
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