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International Men’s Health Week: Four Things Millennials Can Do For Reproductive Health

International Men’s Health Week: Four Things Millennials Can Do For Reproductive Health


Women’s reproductive health is being discussed, but there is not much information on how men can care for women. In fact, there are many misconceptions about male reproductive and sexual health. During the International Men’s Health Week (June 14th to June 16th), Dr. Kshitiz Murdia, CEO and co-founder of Indira IVF Four basic things for millennial men to ensure healthy reproductive health.

But first, let’s understand what lifestyle choices can have a negative impact on men. Dr. Mahdia said:

* Stress and sedentary life: Demanding work increases stress in millennial men and can adversely affect reproductive health. Stress has a direct impact not only on a man’s mental and emotional state, but also on his physical health. It can cause the release of testosterone levels, such as glucocorticoids, and hormones that can reduce spermatogenesis. Apart from stress, there are also lifestyles that tend to sit down. Poor diet and lack of physical activity can affect male reproductive health.

* Substance intake: There are multiple studies demonstrating that increased intake of substances such as alcohol, tobacco and smoking adversely affect reproductive health and cause a variety of fertility complications in men. In fact, tobacco affects spermatogenesis and is associated with decreased sperm count.

* Exposure to toxins: Exposure to pesticides, radioactive chemicals, toxic substances such as heavy metals, and anything that can lead to heating of the male testicular area can be detrimental to reproductive health.

Healthy alternatives for healthy reproduction and sexual health

1. Understand the challenges: It is important to educate and disseminate reproductive challenges such as sperm count reduction, testosterone reduction, impotence and STI. Awareness of STI and reproductive infections such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), syphilis, hepatitis B, and chlamydia is required. Hypogonadism, herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV) take the necessary precautions and seek medical assistance.

2. Active lifestyle: In the age of computers, smartphones and tablets, daily physical activity has declined dramatically. Swimming, jogging, cycling and other sports are useful. Regular exercise helps boost immunity and maintain hormone levels, especially for people with diabetes and heart-related disorders. These simple lifestyle changes help reduce stress and other hormones that affect spermatogenesis in the body.

3. Healthy eating: It is important to consume fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water. Junk foods and processed foods are harmful in the long run and can interfere with hormone levels in the body. A nutritious diet helps ensure not only strong reproductive health, but also overall health.

4. Hygiene: Hygiene is an important factor in ensuring reproductive health. The male genital area is located on the outside of the body to provide a lower temperature for sperm production. Personal hygiene such as washing hands after using the toilet, keeping the genitals clean, wearing clean and breathable underwear, and ensuring general cleanliness is essential. These habits should be introduced at a young age to avoid illnesses and infections caused by the infertile environment.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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