Symptomatism, spread, points to note
Visoot Uthairam | Moments | Getty Images
The Covid-19 delta mutant, first discovered in India, is now widespread worldwide, becoming the predominant strain in some countries such as the United Kingdom and possibly in other countries such as the United States.
On Wednesday, the World Health Organization said Variants were detected in more than 80 countries And as it spreads it keeps changing.
This variant has accounted for 10% of all new cases in the United States, up from 6% last week. Studies have shown that this variant is even more contagious than other variants.
Scientists warn: Data suggest that the delta variant is about 60% more contagious than the “alpha” variant (Previously known as a variant of the UK or Kent, it was much more infectious than the original version of the virus), likely to lead to hospitalization, as seen in countries such as the UK
WHO officials said Wednesday that delta mutants also cause more serious symptoms, but further research is needed to confirm their conclusions.
Still, there are signs that delta variants can cause symptoms different from those advised to note about Covid-19.
What should I be careful about?
Through the pandemic, governments around the world have learned more about the virus as the main symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, persistent cough, loss of taste and smell, so there are some variations and additions in the country. Is warned.
The latest list of symptoms of CDC includes, for example, malaise, muscle and body pain, headache, sore throat, stuffy nose and runny nose, nausea and vomiting, and potentially infectious diarrhea.Of course, there are millions of people Covid-19 is completely asymptomatic and the extent of asymptomatic infection is still being investigated by scientists.
However, experts say that delta variants cause a different range of symptoms.
Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, Zoecovid Symptomatology StudyAn ongoing UK-based study that allows the public to enter Covid symptoms into the app when scientists are able to analyze the data.
“Covid is behaving differently now.” Specter mentioned in a YouTube briefing last week.. “It’s like a terrible cold in this young population, people weren’t aware of it, and it wasn’t found in any of the government’s information.”
“Since the beginning of May, we’ve been looking at the main symptoms of app users, but they’re not the same as before,” he said. “The number one symptom is headache, followed by sore throat, runny nose, and fever.” More “traditional” Covid symptoms such as coughing and loss of odor are now much rarer and younger. He said they were far more experienced with bad colds and “strange moods.”
The first alpha variant discovered in the UK highlighted the emergence of a wider range of symptoms.
A study of more than 1 million people in the UK within the REACT study, which tracks community transmission of viruses in the UK, conducted between June 2020 and January 2021. Dominance — In addition to the “classical” symptoms, additional coronavirus-related symptoms such as chills, loss of appetite, headache, and muscle aches have been revealed.
Variant of concern
This week, the Delta variant has been reclassified as a “variant of concern”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “The delta variant is based on increasing evidence that it spreads more easily and causes more serious cases when compared to other variants containing B.1.1.7 (alpha),” he said. Statement to NBC News..
Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said in an interview with CBS that the Delta variant is likely to become the dominant stock in the United States and “a new epidemic is heading for the fall.” He said he had sex.Face the nation“Sunday.
In the UK, where delta variants are responsible for the majority of new infections, cases are rising rapidly among adolescents and unvaccinated individuals, and hospitalizations in these cohorts are increasing. The epidemic of variants has also delayed the UK’s further relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions.
It is hoped that the Covid-19 vaccination program will continue to compete to stop the spread of delta variants and protect young people who may not be fully vaccinated.An analysis of the UK Public Health Services released Monday showed two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. Very effective for hospitalization with delta variants..
The situation in the UK shows how quickly the Delta variant can dominate, and the US is certainly watching with concern.
Regarding how quickly the Delta Variant became dominant in the UK, President’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci urged more people to vaccinate last week, “making it happen in the United States. I can’t. ” , Especially young adults.
The latest research on the spread of the virus in the United Kingdom alone cannot alleviate expert concerns. The latest findings from the REACT study, published Thursday, warned that cases were increasing “exponentially,” and the “recovery” of Covid-19 infection in the United Kingdom was “increasing the frequency of delta mutations.” Is related to. ”
In this study, it is estimated that about 1 in 670 people are infected with the virus. Previous findings of the study, When 1 in 1,000 people were infected with the virus as of May 3. The findings, published Thursday, are based on approximately 110,000 household swab tests conducted between May 20th and June 7th.
Scientists led by Imperial College London estimate that the number of reproductions in the United Kingdom is currently 1.44. That is, 10 infected people, on average, infect 14 people with the virus, “causing a rapid epidemic.”
Professor Paul Elliott, director of the Imperials School of Public Health REACT program, said: Monitor community infection rates and variations of concern. “
Most infections occur in children and young adults, but studies have shown that they are also increasing in older people.
Since February, the association between infectious diseases, hospitalizations and mortality has been found to be weakened, suggesting that infectious diseases have led to reduced hospitalizations and mortality from vaccination programs, but in late April. Since then, the tendency of hospitalization has been reversed.
–CNBC’s Rich Mendez contributed to the report of this story.
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