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Thanks to Covid, the hospital reduced 1.6 million surgeries last year. NHS


Studies show that hospitals in the UK and Wales did not have nearly 1.6 million surgeries last year due to a pandemic, including those in need of emergency and emergency surgery.

Cancer patients die as a result of having to wait for treatment, but delays will reduce the likelihood that other patients will improve after treatment, researchers say.

The authors of a study published in the British Journal of Anesthesia state that their findings were the first to quantify the number of people who were not operated on. The hospital was too busy Treatment of Covid patients.

They found a total of 1,568,664 operations in England and Wales less than expected in 2020, and forecast a total surge to 2.4 million by the end of the year.

The study is up-to-date to explain how a normal widespread outage is done. NHS Care between patients affected by a pandemic who did not have access to diagnostic tests or treatment.

“The interruption of surgical treatment detailed in our study will be felt by millions of patients in the future,” said Tom Dobbs, co-author of the study, at Swansea University School of Medicine. Stated.Baht health Trust in London.

“Delays in diagnosis and surgical management of cancer patients lead to increased mortality, but patients awaiting semi-emergency and elective surgery are more likely to experience worsening conditions, and some procedures are more problematic. Will be more successful. “

Hospitals were under pressure last year to include about 1.6 million cancellations, including 108,406 surgeries classified as emergency surgeries (fractures of the legs, coronary heart disease, appendicitis, etc.) that should be performed within 3 days. Was exposed.

In addition, scholars found that 92,420 operations, which were classified as emergency and were intended to be performed by the hospital within 28 days, were not performed on time. They included people waiting for surgery for bowel, lung, breast, or testicular cancer, removal of brain tumors, or repair of an aortic aneurysm.

Studies show that, based on the level of surgical activity seen in 2016-19, the number of surgeries that would have been performed in the absence of a pandemic decreased by 13.4% and 23%, respectively. The researchers are from Swansee University School of Medicine and Queen Mary University of London.

The hospital performed less than expected 904,761 (36%) semi-emergency surgery, including removal of prostate cancer and gallbladder. They also performed 481,150 selective procedures, including hip and knee replacement, breast reconstruction, and hernia repair. This is a 52% reduction in the number expected without Covid’s confusion. Both types of surgery are to be performed within 3 months of the patient’s referral.

“It is imperative that the surgical patient is not a forgotten victim of the pandemic,” the author says. The dramatic dip occurred due to “the necessary trade-off between the care of many patients with acute respiratory illness who require intensive care and the continuation of services to treat surgical illness”. ..

Scholars have also found that people hospitalized for all types of surgery infected with Covid are six times more likely to die within 90 days than other patients.

Lucy Watson, chairman of the Patients Association, said the NHS was “vulnerable to lack of funding and staff” after years of lack of funding, so no more during 2020. Said that he was unable to carry out his activities. “The fact that the cancellation included emergency and emergency surgery is of real concern and will worsen the patient’s health,” she added.

Total number of people on the waiting list for hospital treatment in the UK It has risen to 5.1 million in recent months – Highest level in history – As more and more people were unable or hesitant to access NHS care during a pandemic, they were lately referred to their GP. On Thursday, Health Minister Matt Hancock acknowledged that if more people in the “unpresented backlog” seek care, the total could be much higher in the coming months. ..

The NHS England criticized the results of a study funded by Barts. A spokesperson for the NHS said: That’s why the NHS runs campaigns throughout the pandemic, encouraging people to access services when and when they need them. “

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