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Rishi Sunak promises action on UK growth and NHS waiting list.

Rishi Sunak promises action on UK growth and NHS waiting list.



Rishi Sunak on Wednesday outlined five key promises for the next general election, including expanding the UK economy and reducing NHS waiting lists, as he faced Labor at the start of a pivotal year in UK politics.

In his first domestic policy speech as prime minister, Sunak said he wanted to give the country peace of mind in the face of recession, strikes and NHS collapse.

The Prime Minister has promised to cut inflation in half, grow the economy, reduce public debt, reduce NHS waiting lists and stop ships illegally carrying people across the English Channel.

Sunak’s five promises were compared to Tony Blair’s famous five-point pledge card placed ahead of Labor’s 1997 election victory. Rishi wanted to keep the message simple, said an ally of the prime minister.

Meanwhile, Labor’s Sir Keir Starmer will also use Blairist themes in his New Year’s address on Thursday, promising tight control over public spending and radical reforms in public services.

Both leaders know that 2023 will be an important year in shaping the widely expected general elections later next year.

Starmer will argue in his speech that Labor can oversee the renewal of the state for 10 years, but will warn: I will make it clear. None of this should be taken as code for Labor to pull back big government checks.

he would add. Of course, it requires investment. I can see as clearly as anyone the damage the Tories have done to our public service. But we won’t be able to get out of this mess.

Although Labor leads the Conservatives by about 20 points, Starmer knows he will have to reassure the public that he will still have a tight grip on the economy.

The Labor leader lags behind in terms of economic strength and leadership in the survey, offering Conservative MPs some hope in a bleak political climate.

Sunak attempted to put the economy center stage in his pitch to voters on Wednesday.

We will rebuild trust in politics through action, or none at all, he told an audience at Olympic Park in east London. Therefore, we ask that you judge us by the efforts we put in and the results we achieve.

Some of the economic tests Sunak has set out for this parliament are largely in line with what independent economists and the Bank of England expect.

Economists estimate that consumer price inflation in Britain passed its peak when it fell to 10.7% last November. Forecasters expect the rate to halve this year.

The BoE expects the economy to grow through the end of 2024, even under the most pessimistic forecasts.

Sunak has pledged to reduce public debt, but did not disclose how much or when.

His promise last month to reduce the NHS waiting list of more than 7 million people waiting for non-emergency hospital care in the UK is politically significant, but he has not said how big a reduction he wants to achieve.

The pledge follows warnings from senior health service officials about an unprecedented burden on the NHS due to rising flu and Covid-19 cases, waiting list backlogs, industrial activity and staff vacancies.

Sunak also confirmed that he would pass new legislation to ensure the detention and speedy deportation of anyone entering the UK illegally.




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