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Britain supplies aid to Gaza for the first time

Britain supplies aid to Gaza for the first time
Britain supplies aid to Gaza for the first time


Quentin Somerville, BBC Middle East correspondent

WATCH: BBC plane drops British aid into Gaza

Britain reached an agreement with Jordan to airlift relief supplies to Gaza for the first time since the outbreak of war.

Four tons of supplies, including medicine, food and fuel, were delivered to the district Wednesday via a Jordanian Air Force plane.

A parachute-equipped package floated towards Tal al-Hawa hospital in northern Gaza.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the support would save lives and keep hospitals open.

The UK has so far only sent relief supplies to the Gaza Strip by land and sea, but access is impossible to the northern part of the Gaza Strip, a wasteland where war has been fought for nearly five months.

The World Food Program (WFP) suspended deliveries there because convoys suffered “complete chaos and violence,” the organization said.

The Israeli military is stationed in the area and most of the population has been forced to move south.

But in northern Gaza, about 300,000 Palestinians remain without food or water, and the United Nations has been warning of a looming famine there for months.

The delivery to British Jordan included diesel, critical medical equipment and ration packs for patients and medical staff.

Jordanian aircrew saluted as the last pallet sailed into the night sky. They said it landed right on target.

Royal Jordanian Air Force Hercules aircraft soared over the Mediterranean on two routes, dropping four tonnes of British aid directly into northern Gaza just after sunset.

The pallets, equipped with parachutes and GPS trackers to help them reach the hospital, were headed to an area just north of the Jordan Army Field Hospital in Gaza City.

Britain's Foreign Office said earlier this week that it had signed an agreement with Jordan to send $1 million ($1.2 million) worth of British aid to the Gaza Strip.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said of the deal: “Thousands of patients will benefit and the fuel will allow these vital hospitals to continue their life-saving work.”

“But the situation in Gaza is desperate and much more assistance is needed quickly. We are calling for an immediate humanitarian pause to allow further assistance to Gaza as quickly as possible and to bring the hostages home.”




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