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SXSW addresses US military sponsorship as artists protest 2024 festival in support of Palestine

SXSW addresses US military sponsorship as artists protest 2024 festival in support of Palestine


Several musicians withdrew from SXSW events and showcases to protest the festival's ties to the U.S. military and Collins Aerospace (a subsidiary of defense contractor RTX Corporation). Artists who have pulled out of the festival include Squirrel Flower, Mamalarky, Shalom and Irish rap trio Kneecap, all of whom are protesting US and RTX support for Israel in the Gaza war.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott reprimanded protesters against the festival, and SXSW has now responded that it disagrees with Governor Abbott and supports the artists' decision to abandon the events. 'Austin.

Explaining its associations with the U.S. Army and Collins Aerospace, SXSW wrote: “Sponsoring the military is part of our commitment to advancing ideas that shape our world. As for Collins Aerospace, they participated as a sponsor of two SXSW Pitch categories this year, providing entrepreneurs with exposure and funding for potentially game-changing work.

The festival statement concludes: The situation in the Middle East is tragic and highlights the increased importance of uniting against injustice.

Ellen Lovett, an Army spokesperson, said in a statement to Stars and Stripes: “We are proud to be a sponsor of SXSW and to have the opportunity to showcase the Army of the Americas. SXSW presents a unique opportunity for the Army to meet innovators and technology leaders, explore new ideas and perspectives, and create dynamic industry partnerships as we modernize for the future.

The United States is Israel's main military supporter, as BBC Newsbeat notes. RTX Corporation, in particular, is also known for supplying weapons to Israel.

According to Gaza's local health ministry, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its military offensive following Hamas's attacks on Israel on October 7.

A music festival should not include war profiteers, Squirrel Flower wrote in its statement last week. I refuse to be complicit in this and remove my art and work in protest.

South by southwest:

SXSW disagrees with Governor Abbott.

We are an organization that welcomes diverse points of view. Music is the soul of SXSW and has long been our legacy. We fully respect the decision made by these artists to exercise their right to freedom of expression.

Across the world, we are witnessing unspeakable tragedies, the rise of repressive regimes and the increasing spread of violent conflict. It is more crucial than ever that we come together to solve these most serious humanitarian problems.

The defense industry has always been a testing ground for many of the systems we rely on today. These institutions are often leaders in emerging technologies, and we believe it is best to understand the impact of their approach on our lives.

Sponsoring the Army is part of our commitment to delivering ideas that shape our world. As for Collins Aerospace, they participated as a sponsor of two SXSW Pitch categories this year, providing entrepreneurs with exposure and funding for potentially game-changing work.

We have supported and will continue to support human rights for all.

The situation in the Middle East is tragic and highlights the increased importance of uniting against injustice.




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