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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce 'nesting' after 'Eras ​​Tour' trips

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce 'nesting' after 'Eras ​​Tour' trips
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce 'nesting' after 'Eras ​​Tour' trips


Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are in their “nesting” era.

“They are focusing on rest, recovery, relaxing at home and spending low-key, relaxing time together,” a source exclusively told Us Weekly. “They enjoy movie nights in their home theater, catching up on movies and shows they missed.”

After Kelce, 34, joined Swift, also 34, on her Eras tour in Singapore last week, the couple returned to the singer's West Coast home.

Although they're both having “a break from the buzz of their careers,” Kelce and Swift are focusing on the downtime.

Related: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Relationship Timeline

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are all anyone can talk about. Swift and Kelce were first linked in July 2023 when the Kansas City Chiefs tight end shared that he tried to ask Swift out after attending his Eras tour. “I was a little hurt that I couldn't give him one of the bracelets I had […]

“They can finally rest and plan to spend quality time together, with their friends and family,” the insider said. Us, noting that Swift loves having “small, intimate gatherings” with her inner circle at home.

As their relationship continues to grow, the couple focuses on “planning” their plans so that they “can see each other as much as possible.”

The source continued, “They don't want to spend too much time apart.”

Patrick Smith/Getty Images

The European leg of her Eras tour is scheduled for Paris in early May, but before she hits the stage again, the superstar singer and Kelce discuss a possible getaway.

“Towards the end of the month, they are still talking about going on a private vacation where no one will be able to find them until his new album comes out,” the source added.

Swift's 11th studio album, The Tortured Poets Department, is set to be released on April 19.

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce. Getty Images(2)

Kelce previously said he heard “some” of his girlfriend's upcoming album.

“I've heard about it, yes, and it's amazing,” the NFL star said at a press conference in February. “I can’t wait for her to turn the world upside down when it finally falls.”

When asked for more details, Kelce played coy with reporters.

“I can’t give you anything. I’ll leave it up to him,” he said, adding that he “can neither confirm nor deny” his favorite song from the album.

Gotham/GC Images

Kelce and Swift have supported each other in their respective careers since their relationship went public in September 2023. Swift has attended a total of 13 games this NFL season, including Super Bowl LVIII (which Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs won) in February.


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Kelce, for his part, has become a somewhat permanent fixture on the international dates of Swift's Eras tour. The football star said he had a “fun time” exploring Singapore, which was “hot as f*ck” recently.

“I have to visit the largest greenhouse in the world, how about that?” he said during his and his brother Jason Kelce's “New Heights” podcast on Wednesday, March 13, calling himself a “big plant guy.”

Paying Swift compliments, he said he attended “two incredible Eras Tour shows” during the overseas trip.




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