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US House of Representatives to vote on long-delayed foreign aid bills including support for Ukraine | House of Representatives

US House of Representatives to vote on long-delayed foreign aid bills including support for Ukraine |  House of Representatives
US House of Representatives to vote on long-delayed foreign aid bills including support for Ukraine |  House of Representatives


The US House of Representatives will finally vote on a series of foreign aid bills on Saturday, ending a months-long impasse in Congress led primarily by Republicans who refuse to support funding for the country's current military defense. Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

House members will vote separately on four bills that total $95 billion in funding, including about $26 billion in aid to Israel, $61 billion to Ukraine, $8 billion to allies in the Indo-Pacific region and $9 billion in humanitarian aid to civilians in the Indo-Pacific region. war zones, such as Gaza.

The plan largely mirrors the foreign aid proposal passed by the Senate in February, although the House legislation designates $10 billion of the Ukraine funding as a forgivable loan to appease some Republican members who are reluctant to approve aid additional.

If passed, the legislation would provide crucial financial aid to Ukraine at a time when the country's military appears most vulnerable since the start of the war, due to dwindling supplies of munitions and missile defenses. Aerial.

The bills are expected to pass the House, having easily cleared a key procedural hurdle Friday before the final vote. Those that are adopted will be grouped into a single package to simplify the voting process for the Senate, which will have to reapprove the proposal before it can be sent to Joe Biden's desk for his signature.

The procedural vote on the House package was 316-94, with 165 Democrats and 151 Republicans supporting the motion. House Speaker, Republican Mike Johnson, had to rely on Democratic votes to pass the procedural motion, and he will likely have to do so again to get the Ukraine aid bill past the threshold. finishing line.

It is high time that we support our democratic allies in Israel, Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific and provide humanitarian aid to civilians who are in danger in conflict theaters like Gaza, Haiti and Sudan, said House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries on Friday. . House Democrats have once again paved the way for important legislation for the American people.

Much of the House Republican conference remains opposed to sending more money to kyiv, and Donald Trump once again expressed frustration over approving additional aid to Ukraine in a social media post Thursday. Fifty-five Republicans and 39 Democrats opposed the procedural motion Friday.

Johnson's reliance on Democratic votes to pass key pieces of legislation, including a major government funding bill that cleared the House last month, has outraged some far-right Republicans.

What else did Johnson give as he begs Democrats to vote and protect themselves? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, said Friday on X. We no longer have a Republican majority, our Republican president is literally controlled by Democrats and gives them everything they want.

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Last month, Greene unveiled a motion to remove Johnson as speaker, although she has not yet decided whether to force a vote on the issue. Last week, two other House Republicans, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona, signed on as co-sponsors of Greene's motion, citing their growing frustration with Johnson's leadership.

We need a speaker who puts America first rather than pandering to the reckless demands of warmongers, neoconservatives, and the military-industrial complex who make billions from one costly, endless war on the other. end of the world, Gosar said in a statement Friday.

If Greene moves forward with the resignation motion, Johnson will once again have to rely on Democratic votes to save him, as Republicans will only have a one-seat majority after Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin resigns in the coming days . Several House Democrats have indicated they would come to Johnson's aid if the motion to overturn comes to a vote, and the speaker appears undaunted by threats to his post, which he has held for only six month.

I'm going to do my job and I'm going to stay in the background, Johnson told radio host Mark Levin on Thursday. I am not changing who I am or what I believe, and I will try to guide this institution.




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