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UK rejects mobility deal with Europe to help young people travel and live abroad

UK rejects mobility deal with Europe to help young people travel and live abroad


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The government has ruled out any post-Brexit deal that would make it easier for young Britons to live, study and work in the EU.

The European Commission (EC) said it would seek permission from EU member states to open negotiations on a youth mobility plan for British citizens aged 18 to 30.

Thousands of voters have already written to their lawmakers demanding they accept the proposal.

But a government spokesman said there was no interest from the UK and added that free movement within the EU had ended.

The UK currently has individual youth mobility plans with 13 countries, and the government has said it prefers these bilateral deals to EU-wide deals.

Labor also rejected the possibility of an EU-wide plan, saying it would seek to improve Britain's partnership with the EU within the parameters of no return to the single market, customs union or free movement.

The committee on Thursday suggested the UK had expressed interest in youth mobility deals with individual member states, adding that an EU-wide approach would be preferable to ensure all member states are treated equally.

A spokesperson for campaign group Stay Europe urged lawmakers to listen to Britain's young people who deserve the opportunities the scheme offers. He said in an interview with The Independent: The EU's proposals for a youth mobility scheme for 18-30 year olds will give young people in the UK new abilities to live, study and work across the EU.

It will also remove barriers to young EU citizens coming here to fill important employment gaps.

Rishi Sunak has been told the EU is offering him a lifeline (Stefan Rousseau/PA) (PA Wire)

He added: “Members of parliament, regardless of party, must listen to young people who desperately want to be able to travel to Europe again.”

Rishi Sunak needs to realize that his government is hated by young people and the EU is giving him a lifeline.

Labor should not dismiss this plan because it needs the support of young people to win elections and it will need the hard work of Europe's young people to deliver on its economic program when it comes to power.

We hope that the EU's negotiating power will prevail and this plan will go ahead.

It is not accurate to describe this as freedom of movement, but it can be a stepping stone toward the return to freedom of movement we desire.

EC Vice-President Maros Sefcovic said Brexit had hit young people in the EU and the UK particularly hard who wanted to study, work and live abroad.

The UK currently has individual youth mobility plans with 13 countries, and the government has said it prefers these bilateral arrangements to EU-wide deals (PA Archive).

He said: “Today we have taken the first step towards an ambitious but realistic agreement between the EU and the UK to resolve this issue. Our goal is to rebuild human bridges between young Europeans on both sides of the Channel.

EU member states would first have to agree to the proposal before negotiations with the UK could begin.

However, a UK government spokesperson said: “We are not introducing an EU-wide Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS). Free movement within the EU has ended and we have no plans to introduce one.”

We have successful plans in place with 13 countries, including Australia and New Zealand, and we are open to agreeing this with international partners, including individual EU Member States, where the UK has an interest in supporting skills and opportunities for young people.

Labor MP Stella Creasy has accused the Conservatives of duplicity on Europe, despite her party also ruling out an EU-level deal.

She wrote to X: They have been actively trying to negotiate youth visa schemes with several European countries. The EU has proposed shortening the process.

Embarrassed by the Brexiteer backbench, they rejected the whole idea and the youth opportunities that came with it.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said such an agreement would be a win-win-win.

He said: The Liberal Democrats have long called for the Government to negotiate a reciprocal youth mobility plan with Europe.

Of course, the details will need to be negotiated, but no sensible British government will immediately reject the idea.




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