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Op-ed: Looking to help kids? Join the Club | News, Sports, Jobs

Op-ed: Looking to help kids?  Join the Club |  News, Sports, Jobs


I recently left my full-time position at the newspaper and plunged into a new adventure—the nonprofit world.

I am now the director of resource development at the Boys & Girls Club of Parkersburg, and despite my short time there, I can see that it is filled with a truly passionate group of people who advocate for children every day and care deeply about them.

Other than the few times I've covered the Club during my years as a reporter, I didn't know much about the ins and outs of the Boys & Girls Club, but I quickly learned about its lasting impact on kids.

I was able to sit down and talk with the graduates and each of them mentioned the skills, friendships and qualities they developed at the Club that they carried with them into adulthood.

When I hear the fun chaos of the playroom, watch the kids splash in the pool, or sneak away for a quick game, I feel like a kid again and it's the best feeling. Having this opportunity every day in my job is certainly a blessing.

Growing up, my sister and I would have been the target market for club kids because we grew up with a single mom who was a substitute teacher. Our grandparents lived only a mile away and were able to get us on the bus in the morning and hang out with us after school until Mom got home.

I wouldn't trade those experiences and time with them for the world, but it's nice to know there would have been another opportunity if we weren't lucky enough to be so close to my grandparents (shout out to Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Cliff , both the best people I know).

When club kids walk through the door, they are immediately met with a smiling face and a trusted adult who cares deeply about their well-being. For the first part of the evening, they have their choice of where they want to go, be it the arcade or the gym.

At 4:00 pm each day, the entire club gathers in the gym for an assembly where the Youth Development Professionals lead a community-building activity, which might include something like a tug of war against Club members or a game of chase. the leader. .

Afterwards, the club kids can choose where to go for the evening. The club offers targeted programming created by the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and offers lessons on topics such as forming healthy habits or developing a career. If they choose to follow targeted programs, they earn Club Bucks, which can be redeemed for prizes.

They can also choose tutoring, swimming, playroom or computer lab. As expected, the pool is a huge hit, and the kids absolutely love it. I know I would jump into that pool as often as I could if I were them.

Club kids are fed dinner and a snack each day and if they come in the summer, they eat all three meals in the Clubhouse. I didn't realize this was offered until I started working there and I'm so thankful there is more help out there to fight food insecurity.

Part of my job is to try to bring in funding and grants to make sure these programs can continue and grow. Our CEO Lynn Reins has big dreams for the future and I am grateful to have the opportunity to help make them come true.

One of the exciting things we are doing is celebrating our 60th anniversary. To keep our programs running and growing for the next 60+ years, we're aiming to raise $60K in 60 days. We have some generous estate donations that will match your contributions dollar for dollar. Check out our Boys & Girls Club of Parkersburg Facebook page for more updates and how to donate.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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