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Sales of plastic-containing wet wipes banned in UK | uk news

Sales of plastic-containing wet wipes banned in UK |  uk news


Wet wipes containing plastic will be banned from sale in the UK, with Environment Secretary Steve Barclay expected to announce the legislation today.

The government plans to submit this bill before July, when the summer recess of the National Assembly begins.

The new law will take effect across England in the autumn after making it illegal to sell wet wipes containing plastic in the country.

Discarded wet wipes are frequently discarded on UK beaches and eventually break down into microplastics, causing water pollution and damage to the ecosystem.

A number of retailers including Boots, Aldi and Tesco have already banned the product from their shelves.

Mr Barclay said the ban “builds on the many steps already taken to protect our waterways and hold water companies accountable”.

Other measures include “accelerating investments, returning water company fines to the environment and quadrupling the number of water company on-site inspections,” he said.

But Labor says the bill does not go far enough and is calling for a “total ban on the sale, supply and manufacture of plastic wet wipes”.

They also pointed out that the Conservatives first pledged to ban wet wipes in 2018.

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Today's proposals follow a consultation which revealed there was overwhelming support for the move, with campaigners welcoming the news but urging the government to do more.

Jane Martin, chief executive of environmental group City To Sea, said: “It is a positive step for the government to take concrete action to ban this pollutant, but action must not end there.”

“Governments must now tackle all single-use plastic products through further bans and mandatory reuse and refill targets.”

Read more on Sky News: Plastic crisis 'out of control' Why beach clean-ups are important

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Congress' summer recess begins July 23, and the bill is expected to be introduced before then.

With a general election due later this year, ministers will have limited time to pass legislation.




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