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Lyra Meteor Shower: How British Stargazers Can See the Oldest Annual Meteor Shower | Science and Technology News

Lyra Meteor Shower: How British Stargazers Can See the Oldest Annual Meteor Shower |  Science and Technology News


Parts of the UK are experiencing a dazzling display of the oldest annual meteor shower known to mankind as it travels through Earth's atmosphere.

The Lyra meteor shower peaks every year in late April and was first discovered by Chinese astronomers in 687 BC. This particular display is famous for its fast and bright meteors, producing about 18 per hour.

How to See the Lyrid Meteor Shower

Tonight the moon is almost full and will be the 'pink moon' of spring. Sadly it looks just like any other full moon. The brightness of the moon means you'll have to look more closely to see the showers.

To reduce light pollution, look away from lights and look at the darkest part of the sky as the sun sets this evening. For the best views, NASA recommends observing during the 'dark hours' after the moon sets and before the sun rises. In the UK this would be around 5am.

Image: A Lyrid meteor streaks across the sky from Bathing House, near Hawick, Northumberland, on April 22, 2020. Photo: PA

Clouds have long been a deterrent to stargazers and for parts of the UK tonight will be no different. The best places to see the shower are around Preston, Manchester, Kendal, Scotland and the south-east coast from Lowestoft to Brighton.

NASA recommends allowing your eyes to adjust to the dark for about 30 minutes. After that, you start seeing meteors.

“Be patient,” the space agency said. “The show goes on until dawn, so you’ll have plenty of time to catch a glimpse.”

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The Lyrids peaked overnight on April 22nd, but will be visible around the Northern Hemisphere for the rest of the month. But the farther you get from the summit, the less you see.

Image: Lyra meteor shower seen from Russia in 2020. Photo: Reuters

Causes of the Lyrid meteor shower

Lyrids come from the constellation Lyra. Their actual origin is the Thatcher Comet, which was named not for the former prime minister but for amateur astronomer Alfred Thatcher, who discovered it in 1861.

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Meteors are chunks of debris left behind by comets and other celestial bodies. When the Earth passes through debris, some of it falls into the atmosphere.

Because these clumps move so fast compared to our atmosphere, the air around them heats up.

This also heats the meteor and makes it shine brightly, which is what we see.

The surface of this meteor can reach temperatures of up to 1600 degrees Celsius.




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