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UK will increase defense spending to 2.5% of GDP, Sunak says. defense policy

UK will increase defense spending to 2.5% of GDP, Sunak says.  defense policy
UK will increase defense spending to 2.5% of GDP, Sunak says.  defense policy


Britain will increase defense spending to 2.5% of national output within 10 years, Rishi Sunak announced his visit to Poland, warning the UK must be equipped to meet the challenges of an increasingly dangerous world.

The Prime Minister's plan for Britain to steadily increase its defense spending to $87 billion a year by 2030 comes after months of pressure from Tory lawmakers, including Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, to increase military spending to counter the threat from Russia.

The military commitments, which Sunak described as the biggest defense boost in a generation, mean Britain will spend a cumulative extra $75 billion on its core defense fund over the next six years.

In a speech alongside NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Warsaw, Sunak said Europe was at a turning point as he urged allies to live up to Britain's pledge to become NATO's second-largest contributor after the United States. main.

We cannot be complacent in the most dangerous world since the Cold War. He said that when enemies form alliances, they must do more to defend their countries, interests and values.

Today is a turning point for European security and a landmark moment for Britain’s defense. This is a generational investment in Britain’s security and Britain’s prosperity, making us safer at home and stronger abroad.

Downing Street said the plan was fully funded, moving from a target to spend 2.5% by an unspecified date, as economic conditions allow, to a cost-covering commitment to do so in 2030. The UK currently spends 2.32% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on defence. .

It is unclear whether the next Labor government will stick to Sunak's promises. Keir Starmer said last week that if Labor won the election, it would aim to increase UK defense spending to 2.5% of GDP as resources allow.

Boris Johnson pledged at the NATO summit in June 2022 to increase Britain's military spending to 2.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) within 10 years as part of strengthening NATO's defenses against threats from Russia.

Last month, Sunak was asked by three former defense secretaries – Michael Fallon, Gavin Williamson and Ben Wallace – to commit to a 3% GDP boost to the military in the Tory election manifesto.

Government sources said the money would be used to bring Britain's defense industry to war-readiness and provide cutting-edge technology to help the West stand up to authoritarian states including Russia, Iran and China, which are working together to undermine democracy. .

This includes committing an additional $10 billion to military production over the next 10 years, additional commitments to reform defense procurement, and the creation of a new Defense Innovation Agency that would commit at least 5 percent of the defense budget to research and development.

An additional $500 million in military funding for Ukraine will also be funded from Treasury reserves announced by Sunak before the visit, bringing the total to $3 billion this financial year.

Previously, the Prime Minister appointed General Gwyn Jenkins, a former special forces commander and deputy commander of the Ministry of Defense, as the new national security adviser.

He will be the first veteran to hold the role, replacing Tim Barrow, who is expected to become Britain's next ambassador to Washington later this year.

But Labor has warned it could overturn Barrows' appointment if it wins the election, insisting the next British government should decide who will hold Britain's most senior diplomatic post.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, who is traveling with Sunak and Shapps, said: Being able to make a commitment to peace and security in Europe as the economy improves speaks volumes about the UK's global role.

It also sends the clearest possible message to Putin that other NATO European countries will follow through on these commitments and that he will never be able to outdo countries that believe in freedom and democracy.

Earlier, on a flight to Poland, Sunak said: It is vital that we continue to support Ukraine and the UK has always led the way. We went one step further again because that is what the situation demands and demands.

The Prime Minister welcomed the decision by the US House of Representatives to finally approve a new $61 billion military aid package for Ukraine after months of delay.

But he added: This does not eliminate the need for Europeans to invest in security. I am very proud that the UK has always been at the forefront in that respect.

Sunak, who will later visit Germany on his first visit as chancellor, is expected to seek guarantees on British defense spending from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz after decades of real cuts.

Berlin is expected to finally meet its NATO target of spending 2% of GDP on defense following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Germany's arms commitments to the war are now nearly twice the size of Britain's, and Scholz regularly urges European countries to increase their military spending. .




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