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US prepares to sanction Chinese banks that support Russia, report says

US prepares to sanction Chinese banks that support Russia, report says


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The U.S. government is working on sanctions targeting some Chinese banks, fearing they could facilitate trade with Russia and fuel its war efforts against Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

FILE PHOTO: U.S. officials say China's sale of dual-use components to Russia helped resurrect… [+] its declining military-industrial complex.

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According to the Journal, the sanctions effort is driven by concerns about trade between China and Russia, which the United States says has helped Moscow rebuild its military and put it in a strong position to waging a long war of attrition with Ukraine.

Even though China has not sold any weapons to Russia since Russia invaded Ukraine, Washington believes that the sale of dual-use items like chips, circuits, machines and tools, all of which have both civil and military uses, helped support the Russian arms industry.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, the report added that the proposed sanctions, which threaten to cut off targeted banks from the global financial system, are an incremental option that will only be used if diplomatic efforts to resolve the problem fail.

If the sanctions are implemented, the consequences could be serious, as they would prevent targeted financial institutions from accessing the US dollar, which would impact their ability to conduct global trade and could lead to the bankruptcy of these banks and their customers.

Sanctions would also threaten China's slow post-pandemic economic recovery and China's growing debt.

To monitor

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to travel to China on Wednesday, where he is expected to warn Beijing about its exports to Russia. However, it is unclear whether the threat of tough sanctions will prompt China to curb trade with Russia. Last week, the State Department said Blinken would meet with senior Chinese government officials in Shanghai and Beijing to discuss a range of bilateral, regional and global issues, including the Middle East crisis, the war in Russia versus Ukraine, cross-strait issues and the South China Sea.

Key context

U.S. officials, including Blinken, have expressed concerns about Chinese exports to Russia in recent weeks. After a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in Italy last week, the top US diplomat called China the main contributor to Russia's defense industrial base. Blinken said China's machine tools, semiconductors and other dual-use items have helped Russia's arms industry recover from sanctions and export controls. He added that if China wants to maintain good relations with Europe and other countries, it cannot fuel what poses the biggest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War. During her visit to Beijing earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the United States was concerned about the role Chinese companies play in Russian military purchases. She added: “All banks that facilitate large transactions moving military or dual-use goods to Russia's defense industrial base face the risk of U.S. sanctions.

Further reading

U.S. targets Chinese banks helping Russia's war effort (Wall Street Journal)

Blinken returns to China, with threat over military aid to Russia (Politico)




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