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A look at the protests against the Gaza war that have erupted on American college campuses

A look at the protests against the Gaza war that have erupted on American college campuses


Student protests against the war between Israel and Hamas have erupted on a growing number of college campuses following the arrest last week of more than 100 protesters at Columbia University.

Protests on the campuses of at least two universities on Wednesday resulted in clashes with police, while another university closed its campus for the rest of the week.

Students are calling on universities to divest from any companies that support Israeli military efforts in Gaza and, in some cases, from Israel itself.

Protests on many campuses have been orchestrated by coalitions of student groups. The groups operate largely independently, although students say they are inspired by their peers at other universities.

A look at campus protests in recent days:


Pro-Palestinian student protesters set up a tent encampment at New York's Ivy League university last week. Police first attempted to clear the encampment on Thursday, when they arrested more than 100 protesters. But the move backfired, serving as an inspiration to other students across the country and motivating Columbia protesters to band together.

University officials announced Wednesday morning that they were extending the deadline for protesters to leave. They said protesters had pledged to remove a significant number of tents and agreed that only students would remain in the encampment. They also said they would make the encampment more welcoming by banning discriminatory language or harassing messages. The encampment on Manhattan's upper campus seemed quiet and a little smaller Wednesday morning.

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson traveled to Columbia on Wednesday to meet with Jewish students about concerns about anti-Semitism on college campuses. Johnson said Israel and Jewish students on campus will not be left alone. Protesters nearby said they couldn't hear him and he responded: Enjoy your freedom of speech.


Dozens of police and state troopers, some on horseback and holding batons, forcibly arrested more than two dozen student protesters and a local news photographer at the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday after university officials and the governor called authorities.

Protesters said they planned a walkout and march to the main campus lawn, where students would occupy the space and hold events throughout the afternoon. But the university said in a statement it would not tolerate disruptions like those on other campuses.

As of Wednesday evening, 34 people had been arrested in connection with the protest, according to a message posted on the social platform X by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Agency spokesman Sheridan Nolen said the troopers responded to the request of university officials and Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott said on

A photographer covering the protest for local Fox affiliate Fox 7 Austin was among those arrested after being caught in a scuffle between law enforcement and students. The channel confirmed the arrest in its online article. Another journalist was knocked down in the chaos and was seen bleeding before police helped him to the emergency room, who bandaged his head.

In a statement, university President Jay Hartzell said peaceful protests within university rules are acceptable, but breaking the rules and disrupting others' ability to learn is not. not authorized.

Our rules are important and they will be applied, his press release indicates. Our University will not be busy.


Los Angeles police began arresting protesters at the University of Southern California on Wednesday evening in an effort to clear the center of the university's main campus. The university posted on X that it had closed the campus and that the police would arrest people who did not come out.

Earlier in the day, police removed several tents, then engaged in a back-and-forth with protesters before retreating. At one point, USC police arrested a man and put him in a vehicle. A crowd surrounded the car and chanted Let him go! and the officers ended up doing it. The man signaled the protesters to return to the park.


Two pro-Palestinian students participating in an on-campus protest were arrested Tuesday and charged with criminal trespass, after repeated warnings to keep quiet, university spokesman Ben Johnson said.

About 50 protesters gathered in a campus amphitheater to share stories about their ties to the Palestinian people before marching. While stopping at a building on the university's medical campus, two individuals became disruptive, Johnson said. In accordance with university policy, arrested students will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.


Trying to stay ahead of the protests, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, locked most of the gates to its famous Harvard Yard before classes Monday and limited access to those with ID cards. a school ID. The school also posted signs warning against setting up tents or tables on campus without permission. Those efforts did not stop protesters from setting up a 14-tent camp Wednesday, after a rally against the university's suspension of the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee.


University students used furniture, tents, chains and ties to block entrances to an academic and administration building on Monday. The demonstrators chanted: We are not afraid of you! before officers in riot gear pushed them into the building's entrance, video shows. University officials closed the campus until this weekend, saying instruction would continue to be conducted remotely. They said in a statement Tuesday that students occupied a second building and three students were arrested. On Wednesday, authorities said unidentified people, who are not students, were also inside one of the occupied buildings. Humboldt is located approximately 300 miles (480 kilometers) north of San Francisco.


About 80 Emerson College students and other supporters occupied a busy courtyard at the downtown Boston campus Tuesday. University officials warned students Wednesday that some of the protesters were violating city ordinances, including blocking a right-of-way and fire hydrants, and violating noise laws. The school said the alley where some protesters set up tents is city property, and Boston police warned of imminent law enforcement action. The university said in a statement that campus police were providing escort services to students after officials received credible information that some protesters were engaging in targeted harassment and intimidation of Jewish supporters of Israel .


At New York University, a student-organized encampment hosted hundreds of protesters earlier this week. Police announced Wednesday that 133 protesters had been arrested. They said all were released with a summons to appear in court for disturbing the peace.


An encampment in the center of the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor had about 40 tents on Tuesday. Almost all students wore a mask which was given to them upon entry. The student protesters refused to identify themselves to reporters, saying they feared retaliation from the university. A student stood near the encampment and handed out small Israel flags, saying he did not want Jewish students walking through campus to see only the protesters.


U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar attended a protest at the University of Minnesota on Tuesday, hours after nine protesters were arrested when police cleared an encampment outside the library. Hundreds of people gathered to demand their release. Omar's daughter was among the protesters arrested in Columbia last week.

On Wednesday, more than 80 professors and adjunct professors signed a letter calling on the president of the University of Minnesota to drop all charges, lift any ban on arrestees' presence on campus and allow future encampments.


Police arrested 48 protesters on Monday, including four who were not students, after they refused to leave an encampment in a plaza in the center of the Yale University campus in New Haven, Connecticut.


On Tuesday, demonstrators at the University of California at Berkeley had set up around 30 tents.




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