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UK found to have worst child alcohol consumption rate in world | children

UK found to have worst child alcohol consumption rate in world |  children


The UK has the lowest rates of child alcohol abuse in the world, with more than half of British children having consumed alcohol by the age of 13, according to the report.

The study, one of the largest of its kind conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), surveyed 280,000 children aged 11, 13 and 15 in 44 countries about their use of alcohol, tobacco and vapes in 2021-22. We examined the data.

Analysis shows that the UK has a serious problem with underage alcohol abuse. More than a third of boys (35%) and girls (34%) had drank alcohol by the age of 11, and by age 13, 57% of girls and 50% of boys in England had the highest rates of drinking of any country. included in the analysis.

More than half of girls (55%) and boys (56%) from high-income households in the UK said they had drank alcohol in their lifetime, compared to 50% of girls and 39% of boys from low-income households.

The analysis found that 13- and 15-year-old girls in the UK were more likely to drink, smoke and vape than boys of the same age. 40% of girls in England and Scotland had vaped before the age of 15, with higher rates than countries such as France and Germany.

Graphic: 15-year-old girl smoking

The study found that in the UK, around 30% of 15-year-old girls and 17% of boys of the same age had vaped in the past 30 days, higher rates than other countries including Ireland, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Portugal.

The study included data from more than 4,000 children in England and nearly 4,000 children in Scotland and Wales.

Dr. Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, said: “Wide use of hazardous substances among children is a serious public health threat in many countries, including in Europe.

Considering that the brain continues to develop well until the mid-20s, adolescents need to be protected from the effects of toxic and dangerous products. Unfortunately, children today are constantly exposed to targeted online marketing of harmful products, while popular culture such as video games normalizes this.

Dr Jo Inchley, international coordinator for the study at the University of Glasgow, said the findings were concerning because they showed the UK had one of the lowest rates of underage drinking and smoking in the world.

Inchley said the rate of early onset drinking among boys and girls in the UK appeared to be really high. I'm not sure why it's so much higher than other countries, but it's definitely something we need to look at and address.

drinking shame graphics

The biggest concern is around vaping, but there is also evidence that alcohol use could be on the rise again, especially among girls in the UK.

Dr Katherine Severi, from the Institute for Alcohol Research, said that although rates of youth drinking were falling, Britain was one of the highest drinking countries in the world and it was clearly concerning that the UK had one of the highest rates of child drinking. In Europe.

People tend to believe that encouraging children to drink moderately is a good way to teach safe drinking habits. This is not true. The earlier a child starts drinking, the more likely he or she is to develop alcohol problems later in life.

A government spokesperson said: The health advice is clear. Smoking, vaping, and underage drinking can be harmful to youth and their development. That is why there are age restrictions on the sale of these products.

As a government, we are creating Britain's first smoke-free generation. Our landmark Tobacco and Vapes Act makes it a crime to sell tobacco products to anyone born on or after January 1, 2009 and includes powers to limit the flavors, packaging and labeling of vapes to reduce appeal to children. .




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