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Jordan's Queen Rania says US seen as 'enabler' for Israel

Jordan's Queen Rania says US seen as 'enabler' for Israel
Jordan's Queen Rania says US seen as 'enabler' for Israel


Palestinians and others in the Middle East view the United States as an “enabler” of Israel in its war against Hamas, Queen Rania al-Abdallah of Jordan said on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. .

“People view the United States as part of this war,” Rania said in an interview with “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan. “Because, you know, Israeli officials say that without American support, they couldn't launch this war.”

Jordan, an ally of the United States, has had a peace treaty with Israel since 1994. The queen, of Palestinian origin, has criticized the response to the war by the United States and other countries, saying there is had a “selective application of humanitarian law”. this causes a “loss of credibility” in the United States

“The United States may be Israel’s closest ally, but a good friend holds a friend accountable,” she said.

Rania said the world was receiving “mixed messages” from the United States, which she said has both expressed concern over civilian deaths in Gaza and provided Israel with offensive weapons “that are being used against the Palestinians. She urged the international community to use its influence to force Israel to let aid into Gaza and end the war, saying the United States can do so by declaring it will not continue supplying weapons offensives against Israel.

The Queen described the impact of the war on the Arab world, which she said has seen Gaza become “unrecognizable” over the past seven months. As Israeli bombardment of Gaza continues for nearly seven months since the October 7 terrorist attack, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said at least 34,000 people had died from the attack. escalation of the humanitarian crisis, although the Ministry of Health does not designate among civilians. and combatant losses.

“It's been quite devastating. And the impact has been that, obviously, people are so traumatized by what they see every day,” she said. “We were traumatized by October 7, but we believe that this war is not, you know, Israel says it was a defensive war. Obviously it was started on October 7, but the way it is conducted is not the same defensively.

Queen Rania has made it clear that Hamas does not represent the majority of Gaza's population and that Palestinians have been dehumanized for decades by Israel to “numb people to Palestinian suffering.”

“When you reduce people to violent people who are different from us – so they're not moral like us, so it's okay to inflict pain and suffering on them because they don't feel it the way they do. same way we do – it allows people to do bad things,” she said. “That’s—that’s the mental flaw of dehumanization, it allows you to justify the unjustifiable, to do bad things while still seeing yourself as a good person.”

At the same time, the Queen condemned anti-Semitism, calling it “the worst form of intolerance” and “pure hatred”. And she drew a line between anti-Semitism and denouncing the war in Gaza and Israeli policies. Addressing protests on US college campuses, Queen Raina said law and order must be maintained and it is wrong that students do not feel safe on campus.

“Emotions are running high and I think people are losing sight of these students’ protests,” she said. “For them, the issue of Gaza and the Palestinian conflict is more a question of social justice. They defend human rights, international law, the principles that underpin international law. They defend the future that they plan to inherit.

His interview comes as President Biden is scheduled to meet with King Abdullah II of Jordan this week. The administration also faces a deadline to provide Congress in the coming days with a decision on whether Israel is using U.S. weapons in accordance with international law.

Israel and Hamas at war More More Kaia Hubbard




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