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What is Cinco de Mayo? Festivities are planned across the United States with special deals on food and drinks. But in Mexico, not so much

What is Cinco de Mayo?  Festivities are planned across the United States with special deals on food and drinks.  But in Mexico, not so much


The United States is preparing for Cinco de Mayo. Music, all-day happy hours and taco deals are planned at locations across the country on Sunday, May 5, in a celebration with largely misunderstood and barely recognized origins south of the border .

In the United States, the date is widely seen as a celebration of Mexican-American culture that dates back to the 1800s in California. Typical festivities include parades, street food, block parties, mariachi competitions, and baile folklrico, or folk dancing, with whirling dancers wearing bright ribbons with braids and bright, ruffled dresses.

For Americans with or without Mexican ancestry, the day has become an excuse to down tequila shots with salt and lime and gorge on tortilla chips covered in melted orange cheddar cheese, unfamiliar to most Mexicans.

The emphasis on drinking and food has led to some criticism of the holiday, especially as beer manufacturers and other marketers have capitalized on its festive nature and some revelers embrace offensive stereotypes , such as fake droopy mustaches and gigantic straw sombreros.

What it is

Cinco de Mayo marks the anniversary of the 1862 victory of Mexican troops over invading French forces at the Battle of Puebla. The triumph over the French troops, better equipped and more numerous, was a huge emotional boost for the Mexican soldiers led by General Ignacio Zaragoza.

Historical reenactments and parades are held annually in Puebla, central Mexico, to commemorate this inspiring victory, with participants dressed in historic French and Mexican army uniforms.

What it is not

Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day, Mexico's most important holiday.

Mexicans celebrate their country's independence from Spain on the anniversary of the call to arms against this European country launched on September 16, 1810 by the Reverend Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, priest from Dolores, Mexico.

The Mexican president reenacts the Grito de Independencia, or Cry of Independence, most years on September 15 around 11 p.m. from the balcony of the country's National Palace, ringing the bell that Hidalgo rang.

The commemoration usually ends with three cries of “Viva Mxico!” ” above a colorful swirl of tens of thousands of people gathered in the Zcalo, or main square, in central Mexico City.

This year's celebrations

This year, May 5 falls on a Sunday, a perfect day for many people to relax and enjoy the day. Celebrations are planned across the country, especially in places with large Mexican-American populations.

Across the country, bars and restaurants are promoting their Mexican dishes and specialties, including all-day happy hours.

Copyright 2024 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.




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