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2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 N | uk review

2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 N |  uk review


It's easy to like a car at an international launch event. A carefully planned itinerary will take you through fantastic roads with less traffic, circuit drives will feature optimally-specified cars, your companions will be there and the food will be excellent. In this environment, it's easy to think kindly in your car, which is probably why the event will continue in a post-pandemic world.

But drives in the UK, even those organized by manufacturers, are a very different and much more representative prospect. This is why eating two bites of cherries is always a good idea. Roads are inevitably worse (and more congested). There will probably be no tracks and you will be alone in your car, away from your friends chatting. It tends to be much more revealing ahead of inevitable group tests etc. For a car as significant and initially impressive as the Ioniq 5 N, another attempt can't come soon enough. So we were there at 9:30am on a Tuesday after the bank holiday. Our experience in Spain suggested that it would actually be very nice no matter where it was driven. Crunch time.

Things don't start well. If you fill up the battery before setting off and select Sport mode (one of those cars), the range shows 192 miles. An 84 kWh battery at 2.28 mi/kWh before driving isn't much compared to the officially claimed 2.93 mi/kWh. Switching back to Normal or Eco might go up a bit more, but even seeing sub-200-second readings at 65k EV isn't good for 2024. Our test returned a score of 2.7mi/kWh, with range not falling out of range. It's fast, but hovers around 2.5 on most drives. Of course you can't have everything. Weighing in at 2.2 tonnes, the 650bhp hot hatch had to pay for itself somewhere, but neither the range nor the efficiency are fantastic. And they have to have some kind of discussion. BMW quotes 2.8-3.4 mi/kWh for the i4 M50. Porsche says it's 3.53 for the Taycan 4S and 3.47 for the 884hp Turbo.

Naysayers will no doubt immediately reflect that statistic in their comments. But for those intrigued by Hyundai's first electric N, there's still a ton to like. The first is that it still looks really good here, parked with British license plates amongst other cool cars from Caffeine & Machine. Despite being such a large car, it looks compact and taut, with the standard 5s' funky design adorned with larger wheels and a spoiler. Likewise, the interior is still strikingly Ioniq, complete with a fairly high driving position, but the new seats are positioned in all the right places (where a regular car would be much more comfortable to rest on).

Any doubts that this is simply a 5 painted in orange and made faster are almost immediately dispelled. It rides solidly (though it doesn't crash), the big P Zero makes a fair amount of noise and the brake pedal is firm. But far from a drawback, it's a welcome reminder that this is a high-performance EV that offers an experience beyond the numbers. It feels tightly wound and eager to have fun, like a Hyundai N hot hatch.

Even out of the first corner the impression didn't subside at all, the response between steering inputs and the front axle was perfectly judged and well communicated. You won't get the same feedback as a traditional front-drive unit, but you'll immediately feel confident that you can position the big, heavy, grippy car exactly where you want it. And I am very enjoying the process, the car is neutral and willing. None of the three settings for the steering ruins it with the stupid weight that has been a hallmark of the Hyundai N. This is a welcome change and clearly shows how much attention has been paid to detail.

The temptation to fiddle soon comes, but with previous experience and the steering wheel now on the right, it's definitely easier. Switching to custom mode makes the second time less stressful, and the touchscreen responds to swipes and pokes. If it makes you less angry than before, it's probably still not the safest activity in the world. And as with cars like the i30 N, custom settings for normal and fun will cover most scenarios. In the UK you won't want anything more than regular suspension (the Sport+ can't stand it). The Sport head-up display looks great, the steering is good in Normal or Sport, and the motor and e-LSD are both switched to Sport+. Why not? The only N Active Sound to consider is Ignition (Evolution and Supersonic sounds stupid), ESC can come loose or go out. I bought a ton of 275 section tires.

Even on the small, broken and congested roads that make Spain feel like another planet rather than another country, the IONIQ is a lot of fun. It's always willing to turn like this, the brake pedal is reassuring, it always feels like there's power coming from behind (backed by warmer motor temperatures) and the damping is very well sorted. Considering the weight, the perimeter is actually great. It's a familiar refrain these days to say that an EV is lighter than claimed, but this car actually feels physically much smaller.

N E-Shift remains the highlight of the package as it provides entertainment for every part of the trip. It could easily be a gimmick, but the build-up of power, acceleration feel, gearshift shock and rev limiter are so convincing that it soon becomes as natural to use as any other paddle shift. E-Shift is a feature that allows you to explore and learn another aspect of the Ioniq 5 N experience where many other EVs find one-dimensional. It turns on and off seamlessly at the touch of a button, doesn't incur any penalty, and the (plastic) paddle can be returned to playback adjustment. You can also do other things if you want. As with details like the steering, people who really care about driving have put a lot of time into the E-Shift, and the results speak for themselves. No other EV has ever made me smile like this.

The A422 was not the place to experiment with the N Track feature, but a quick look at the N Torque Distribution was interesting because it is adjustable. We're used to a more rear-biased setup for the four-wheel drive, but this is fully variable in 10-point increments from 10:90 to 90:10 (there are no pure front or rear drive modes). Again something else to explore and experience, making the little wavy lines at roundabouts a bit easier. It's really fun. There's a depth to the experience, and the feeling that you'll continue to learn over time rather than completing this car in 10 minutes. You can wow everyone with your performance, or you can appreciate slow-paced engineering and everything in between.

In fact, the IONIQ 5 N feels like a replica of an old Japanese rally car. It obviously weighs about twice as much and doesn't boil up on the road. The core principle shared is that technology is deployed as an element of fun, complementing an aligned and nimble chassis rather than hiding its flaws. Like those older cars, the Hyundai is tough, square, and ready to attack at any opportunity, delivering punishment and striking ferociously fast. It's quite noisy and inefficient compared to the overall act of tribute. Movement into the rain will also be revealed. If only the same size were possible

The N's appeal is so much more about the actual driving experience than sheer performance that it almost seems a shame that it was built as quickly as it was. As a result, efficiency and range suffer. This wouldn't be very satisfactory as a driver's car with 2/3 the power. Because the fun is less about how quickly it reaches illegal speeds and more about how it steers, drives and turns (and engages the gears). Of course, it's a given now that EVs are unnecessarily fast. It's not just Hyundai Motors. If you can afford the extra cost of over 600 horsepower, the Ioniq 5 N still feels like a significant milestone. As with any kind of top-performance car, it looks special even when the circumstances are not special at all. And that's incredibly important. Meet your electric or gasoline powered rivals as soon as possible.

Specifications | 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 N

Engine: 84 kWh lithium-ion battery Transmission: Two permanent magnet synchronous motors, four-wheel drive Power (hp): 609 (650 with overboost) Torque (lb ft): 567 (overboost) 0-62 mph: 3.5 seconds (3.4 Overboost) Top speed: 162 mph Weight: 2,235 kg MPG: Maximum potential EV range 278 miles, efficiency 2.93 mi/kWh CO2: 0 g/km (driving) Price: 65,000

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