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Pair of thrillers surround victories to kick off 2024 US Open Cup round of 16

Pair of thrillers surround victories to kick off 2024 US Open Cup round of 16


CHICAGO (May 21, 2024) Tonight's curtain-raiser to the 2024 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup round of 16 was framed by feast-or-famine encounters, with dramatic affairs between Major League Soccer (Div. I ) and the USL Championship competition (Div. II). serving as a dual early/late feature.

The first match of the evening was also the longest, as Atlanta United and Charleston Battery failed to decide a winner after two scoreless hours. Atlanta saw its opening penalty in the shootout saved, but back-to-back saves in the fifth and sixth rounds from United goalkeeper Josh Cohen first turned the tables, then closed the door on the current best team in the USL Championships .

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Sacramento Republic FC and the San Jose Earthquakes kept the score on the scoreboard in a seven-goal thriller that saw Republic lose the lead late on before surviving rival NorCal, 4-3. Goals from Felipe Rodrigues (106) and Juan Sebastian Herrera (107) gave Sacramento a dream start to the second extra overtime session, allowing the 2022 runner-up to write another important chapter in its Open Cup history .

The upper division teams made their mark with dominant results in the other three matches, starting with New Mexico United taking care of their business trip to the Big Apple with a 3-0 victory over MLS NEXT Pros New York City FC II. However, NYCFC II received a $25,000 bonus as the last Division III team left standing in the tournament, a small consolation after a third straight attempt to topple a USL Championship team failed.

Moving west, Sporting Kansas City continued its five-game homestand with a 4-0 win over FC Tulsa that gave the four-time champions their 13th appearance in the quarterfinals. Another MLS team defended its home field with ease in the evening's final kickoff at BMO Stadium, where Los Angeles Football Club ruled the ship from the start in its 3-0 win over Loudoun United FC .

The Round of 16 concludes Wednesday evening with a trio of contests that fans can stream live via the online sites of US Soccer (, USL ( and MLS (

After the middle match of the tripleheader, another USL/MLS Championship match featuring the Tampa Bay Rowdies and FC Dallas US Soccer will proceed to the draw that will determine the bracket for the remainder of the 109th edition of the US Open Cup, including accommodation scenarios. for the quarter-finals and semi-finals. The draw is expected to take place around 10 p.m. ET and will be streamed live on the US Soccers YouTube channel (

Lamar Hunt US Open Cup 2024 round of 16 results, Tuesday, May 21

Charleston Battery (USLC) 0-0, 0-0 (aet), 4-5 PKs Atlanta United (MLS)NYCFC II (MLSNP) 0-3 New Mexico United (USLC)Sporting Kansas City (MLS) 4-0 FC Tulsa (USLC)Sacramento Republic FC (USLC) 2-2, 4-3 (ap) San Jose Earthquakes (MLS)LAFC (MLS) 3-0 Loudoun United FC (USLC)

US Open Cup round of 16 schedule Wednesday, May 22

7 p.m. ET | Indy Eleven (USLC) vs. Detroit City FC (USLC)7:30 p.m. ET | Tampa Bay Rowdies (USLC) vs. FC Dallas (MLS) 10:30 p.m. ET | Seattle Sounders FC (MLS) vs. Phoenix Rising FC (USLC)

2024 US Open Cup Round of 16 Recaps

Charleston Battery0-0, 0-0 (ap), 4-5 PKsAtlanta United

As Open Cup legend Ozzie Alonso watched two of his former teams battle it out in the Open Cup, Atlanta United escaped Patriots Point with a ticket to the tournament quarterfinals after 120 scoreless minutes and a victory fierce barrage against the Charleston Battery. The Battery carried the game in the first half, making better use of their slight advantage in possession to beat their young visitors 10-4 (3-1 on target), but were denied a breakthrough by Five Stripes goalkeeper Josh Cohen. The second stanza was more subdued as the teams reached 90 minutes with neither giving an inch. During overtime, Charleston nearly scored the go-ahead goal, but Juan David Torres' 92nd-minute free kick clipped the wall, pushing it back just enough for it to hit Cohen's right post . On penalties, Charleston took the lead when goalkeeper Daniel Kuzemka saved Brooks Lennon's first shot. The Battery would have advanced to the next round if Cohen had not blocked what would have been Diego Gutirrez's game-winning kick in the fifth round. Tied at 4-4, Atlanta's Stian Gregersen converted early in the sixth round to give teammate Cohen the opportunity to play hero. And win it for the Five Stripes GK made by saving Aaron Molloys' shot, sending Atlanta to the quarterfinals for the first time since their 2019 title run.

New York City FC II0-3New Mexico United

After knocking out two teams from the USL Championship in the previous two rounds from their home run at Belson Stadium in Queens, NYCFC II – the last Division III team remaining in the tournament – ​​must have figured a third time would be just as charming . And after an opening 45 minutes during which the Young Pigeons undoubtedly produced the most dangerous performance, the peloton seemed to be leaning in their direction. But the script was flipped early in the second half when Avionne Flanagan converted an assist from Marco Micaletto in the 50th minute to give New Mexico a 1-0 lead. Four minutes later, things really went downhill for NYCFC II when Samuel Owusu was sent off for a violent tackle. New Mexico asserted its numerical advantage in the 65th minute as Micaletto set up Talen Maples to make it 2-0 for the visitors from the Land of Enchantment. Anthony Herbert closed out proceedings in the 86th minute, sending New Mexico home with a 3-0 victory and the club's second berth to the Open Cup quarterfinals. United's previous trip to the last eight came in their inaugural 2019 season.

Sporting Kansas City4-0FC Tulsa

In the race for the thumbs up, Sporting Kansas City claimed victory at Children's Mercy Park and gave Seattle Sounders FC an impressive mark to chase in the process. The first half saw FC Tulsa goalkeeper Michael Creek and the woodwork combine for countless head-in-hand moments for the Sporting attack. Creek's handful of notable saves included a scrambled paw away from Erik Thommy's deflected shot in the 17th minute and a kick save straight out of the Stanley Cup Playoffs on Willy Agada's redirect on the step from the door to 25th. Stephen Afrifa had Sporting's opener robbed by the crossbar on the ensuing rebound attempt and another curling chance from 20 yards less than a minute later. The curtain fell on the sometimes incredulous buddy act featuring Creek and his goal setting in the 38th minute, when a foul on Thommy just outside the box triggered a heavily struck free kick from Felipe Hernandez that hit Tulsa defender Rashid Tetteh deep inside. The six. Agada was stoned by Creek from close range in first-half injury time and was left frustrated when his header from the ensuing corner hit the left post, but Afrifa's goal from the rebound sent the SKC in the half with a more than justified 2-0 advantage. A second yellow card given to Tulsa's Patrick Seagrist in the first minute of the second stanza made a comeback nearly impossible for the Oklahoma team, but it was the second counterattack from Hernandez and Marinos Tzioni, both came shortly after the hour mark, which delivered a clear result for the four-time tournament champions.

Sacramento Republic FC 2-2, 4-3 (ap) San Jose Earthquakes

In one of the most dramatic matches of this year's competition, the 2022 Open Cup finalists overcame a one-goal deficit in overtime, scoring twice in 88 seconds, to spring an upset in front of a capacity crowd to bursting at the Heart Health Park in Sacramento. The California Quakes took a 3-2 lead in the 100th minute thanks to designated player Hernan Lopez scoring a give-and-go with Preston Judd past Republic goalkeeper Danny Vitiello. Sacramento, however, would not give up. Luis Felipe scored from close range in the 106th minute to tie the score at 3-3. Sebastian Herrera pushed away Cristian Parano's cross late in the 107th minute for the winning goal to culminate in a stunning return. Kieran Phillips helped Sacramento recover from an early one-goal deficit with a first-half brace. Seconds after Phillips crossed midfield and ripped a shot off the right post, the Quakes quickly countered as Judd scored from six yards out with a pass from the left wing in the 11th minute. Just six minutes later, Phillips slipped Luis Felipe's pass from the left flank into the bottom left corner past goalkeeper Jacob Jackson for a 1-1 draw. Phillips then lifted Sacramento to a 2-1 lead in the 38th minute, burying the ball four yards from Jack Gurr's right feed. By halftime, San Jose head coach Luchi Gonzalez had seen enough and made three substitutions, replacing Oscar Verhoeven, Alfredo Morales and Ousseni Bouda with regulars Bruno Wilson, Jackson Yueill and Cristian Espinoza. The strategy worked as Espinoza scored a 25-yard free kick to the near right post to propel the Earthquakes into a 2-2 stalemate in the 80th minute, setting up a wild and crazy overtime.

LAFC 3-0 Loudoun United FC

Midfielder Timmy Tillman celebrated his call-up to the United States men's national team for its June training camp by scoring the opening goal, which gave the hosts a relatively easy victory at BMO Stadium in Los Angeles, California. After seeing a shot blocked by a Loudoun defender in the eighth minute, Tillman gave LAFC all the scoring they needed seconds later by converting a right-wing pass from Cristian Olivera past goalkeeper Dane Jacomen. Denis Bouangas' brilliant run through midfield allowed Olivera to score from the right side for a two-goal margin in the 52nd minute. Forward Tomas Angel scored his first goal for LAFC to make the lead 3-0, a left-footed effort from a difficult angle on the left in the 61st minute. Goalkeeper Abraham Romero recorded the clean sheet. Former US international striker and LAFC assistant coach Ante Razov ran the show from the bench. He replaced that evening for head coach Steve Cherundolo, who served a suspension after being carded during LAFC's 3–1 away round of 16 victory over Las Vegas Lights FC on May 8 .




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