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Non-Americans Share Things That Are Completely Common in the United States But Weird in Other Countries

Non-Americans Share Things That Are Completely Common in the United States But Weird in Other Countries


Every time I travel abroad, I am fascinated by the common customs and cultural norms that seem so different from the way things are done in the United States. But I don't usually think about all the things I consider “normal” about myself that non-Americans must find totally weird. So Redditor u/CapitalBread6959 asked: “Dear non-US friends, what is something that is quite common in the US that is completely unknown in your own country? » Here's what people said.

1. “People actually like and buy pickup trucks as their daily vehicle, even if their job doesn't require them to haul anything. »

Susanhsmith / Getty Images/iStockphoto

2. “I was in the US for the first time a few weeks ago and wow, blue cheese dressing! It sounds gross but it's amazing! I wish I could bring some home with me. “

3. “My German friend visited me at university. At the party he shouted 'THEY EXIST!!' as he held up our package of red solo cups.

Marc Sader / Getty Images/EyeEm

4. “Tip almost everyone who provides a service. I'm talking not only waiters, but also hairdressers and taxi drivers. And tip at least 15%. Where I live, the Tipping is only in restaurants for good service, and usually we just round up the bill. So, for example, if the bill is 46.40, we give 50.”

5. “Free refills. The first time I was in the US, the waitress kept refilling my glass without asking. I thought it was a gross scam to make more money. It s “Turns out they only charged me one drink on the bill.”

Douglas Sacha/Getty Images

6. “Health workers go home after work, still in their work clothes. And wash them at home. Here, it is literally forbidden to leave the hospital grounds in your work clothes. I would hate having to take them home and possibly transport resistant hospital bacteria there. Plus, you never know how well others wash theirs. I like it to be done professionally in the hospital.

7. “Homeowners' associations. From what I've heard, it seems to be some sort of club that you pay into that imposes a certain aesthetic on a neighborhood.”

Richard Newstead/Getty Images

8. “The tax system in general. Having to file a tax return every year is strange. Our taxes are done for us unless you run your own business or are an entrepreneur. Plus, having to pay US taxes when you live abroad is strange too.

9. “This common contraption that gives teeth to the kitchen sink.”

10. “The academic sequence of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I have to translate that in my head every time I hear it.”

11. “The ice-cold water from the tap that comes to your table immediately when you sit down at the restaurant. It’s such an amazing thing!”

Mint Images / Getty Images/Mint RF Images

12. “Have the waiter take your credit card when you pay in an American restaurant. Here in Europe you always keep the card with you when you pay.”

The Good Brigade / Getty Images

13. “Driving a car and turning right at a red light. It messed with my head. If you do that here in the Netherlands, you're going to hit at least five cyclists.”

Gynane / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14. “How stores in the United States display prices without taxes. This threw me off the first time I went to buy a bottle of Coke when I arrived in the United States.”

15. “Jaywalking. Where I'm from, crossing the street at a location without a designated crosswalk is viewed negatively, but people do it often in the United States.”

Peter Adams/Getty Images

16. “Long commutes to work. Here in the Netherlands, many companies only hire people who live within a 30 minute radius (maybe an hour if they really need you ).I once applied for a job about an hour and a half from my house and was rejected solely because of the commute time.”

17. “The concept of getting into college because you're good at a sport. I was chatting online with an American guy and he told me he went to college on a “scholarship.” lacrosse. It was mind-boggling to me.”

18. “Houses with small fences and little or no additional security. I'm from Latin America and our houses either have large gates and fences with spikes or concrete walls topped with barbed wire to keep burglars out It was a real shock to me when I first visited the United States and saw suburban houses with cars parked on the street and small wooden fences. over which anyone could jump.

Patrik Giardino/Getty Images

19. “Good Mexican food. In my experience, it doesn't exist anywhere else in the world except Mexico itself.”

Grandriver/Getty Images

20. “Drive-thru banks and even pharmacies. This amazes me because we simply don't have enough space for this sort of thing in the UK.”

21. “Being able to order a milkshake that contains your entire recommended calorie intake for the day.” »

Caroline Voelker/Getty Images

22. “A car culture so intense that you can't really live without it. My parents didn't even know how to drive. We use public transportation (subway, bus, etc.) to get just about anywhere .”

23. “The very concept of a person going bankrupt due to a medical emergency. »

24. “Apparently most American men are circumcised, which seems weird to me.”

25. “The American University Experience.” You show that you are responsible by paying $800 a month to live in an on-campus dorm, sharing a room with a stranger and a bathroom with 11 strangers. Meanwhile, if you continue to live with your parents, people assume you are responsible. make bad decisions. »

26. “Lack of paid annual leave. My uncle recently moved to the UK from the US and almost fainted when he realized I had about 35 days of vacation every year. »

Jihyun Seo / Getty Images/EyeEm

27. “Talking about work or asking in detail what a person does for a living at a social function. That's very unusual where I come from. I think it's normal in the United States because it's a country so obsessed with work. Work tends to be ingrained in the brain. When I go out or attend a party to relax, the last thing I want to talk about is anything related to work. Ask me what movies I've seen recently or where I've traveled not what my daily work routine entails.

28. “The fact that you can drive five hours in the United States and stay more or less in the same place. If you drive five hours in Europe, suddenly everyone talks funny and the cheese is different.”

Chris Sattlberger / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

29. “Sending Christmas cards with a professional photo of your family on the front.”

30. “The fact that in some states you can buy guns at the same store where you shop.” »

Samuel Corum/AFP via Getty Images

Non-Americans, what have you seen or experienced in the United States that is completely normal here but uncommon where you live?




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