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The 2024 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup quarterfinals, semifinals and final will be streamed on MLS Season Pass on Apple TV

The 2024 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup quarterfinals, semifinals and final will be streamed on MLS Season Pass on Apple TV


CHICAGO (May 23, 2024) The U.S. Soccer Federation and Apple today announced that the final three rounds of the 2024 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup will be available to stream live for free on MLS Season Pass on Apple TV, bringing 109th edition of the nations. football's most prestigious competition to its largest global audience to date.

The MLS Season Pass will stream the final seven matches of the tournament, including the quarterfinals (July 9-10), semifinals (August 27-28) and final (September 25), ensuring soccer fans around the world unrivaled access to these matches. crucial, action-packed matches.

After an exciting round of 16 and on the heels of the quarter-final draw, the table for the last seven matches of the Open Cup 2024 has been set. The tournament will resume in early July with the following four quarter-finals (home teams ranked first, kick-off times to be confirmed on in the coming days):

Sporting Kansas City (MLS) vs. FC Dallas (MLS)Wednesday July 10 | Childrens Mercy Park in Kansas City, Kan. | Look at the MLS Season Pass

Atlanta United (MLS) vs. Indy Eleven (USL Championship)Tuesday July 9 | Fifth Third Bank Stadium in Kennesaw, Georgia | Look at the MLS Season Pass

***The winner of the Sporting KC/FC Dallas match will host the semifinal against the winner Atlanta United/Indy Eleven

Sacramento Republic FC (USL Championship) vs. Seattle Sounders FC (MLS) TBD | Heart Health Park in Sacramento, California | Look at the MLS Season Pass

Los Angeles Football Club (MLS) vs New Mexico United (USL Championship)Wednesday July 10 | BMO Stadium in Los Angeles, California | Look at the MLS Season Pass

***The winner of the Sacramento/Seattle match will host the semifinal against LAFC/New Mexico United

As the competition nears its exciting conclusion, fans can enjoy extensive coverage of the Open Cup through MLS Season Pass studio broadcasts and the Offside with Taylor Twellman podcast.

For more details on this year's competition, including schedule details, features and more, visit

About the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup

The Lamar Hunt US Open Cup national football championship, now in its 109th year, has crowned a champion since 1914 every year except 2020 and 2021. The history-laden tournament is played on the basis of 'only one knockout match and is open to all professionals. and amateur teams affiliated with US Soccer. In 1999, the oldest ongoing national soccer competition in the United States was renamed in honor of American soccer pioneer Lamar Hunt.

The winner of the US Open Cup will earn $300,000 in prize money, a spot in the Concacaf Champions Cup and have their name engraved on the Dewar Challenge Trophy, one of the oldest national trophies in team sports Americans, now on permanent display at the National Soccer Hall. of fame in Frisco, Texas. The runner-up will win $100,000, while the team that moves furthest from each lower division will win a $25,000 cash prize.

Houston Dynamo FC are the reigning Open Cup champions, having won the club's second title in the tournament with a 2-1 victory over fellow MLS side Inter Miami CF on September 27, 2023 in of a final played in front of a packed house at Miami's Chase Stadium. is the official website of the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup. Fans can also follow the competition on Twitter and Instagram @OpenCup and Facebook @OfficialOpenCup.

About the MLS Season Pass

Launching in 2023, MLS Season Pass is a subscription service available worldwide on Apple TV, showing every live MLS regular season match, the entire playoffs, the Leagues Cup and more again, bringing MLS action to a global audience. With an MLS Season Pass subscription, fans have access to every MLS match without interruption, as well as in-depth coverage and analysis, a range of exclusive content and much more. MLS Season Pass is available on billions of devices through the Apple TV app on Apple devices, smart TVs, streaming devices, set-top boxes and gaming consoles, as well as on the web at tv. Fans can also access MLS Season Pass from the Apple TV app on Apple Vision Pro, where they can watch games alongside other apps in their physical space; in an environment, the screen therefore has a width of 100 feet; and Spatial Audio for an even more immersive visual experience. To learn more about how to subscribe to the MLS Season Pass, visit




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