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At least 11 people, including two children, killed in tornadoes and storms in the United States | Climate crisis news

At least 11 people, including two children, killed in tornadoes and storms in the United States |  Climate crisis news


Tornadoes and storms leave trails of destruction in parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Powerful storms in the United States have killed at least 11 people, including two children, and left widespread destruction across Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, after destroying homes and destroying a truck stop where drivers 'were sheltering.

Seven deaths were reported in Cooke County, Texas, near the Oklahoma border, where a tornado swept through a rural area near a mobile home park Saturday evening, officials said.

In Oklahoma, at least two people died after a tornado struck Mayes County Saturday evening, county emergency management chief Johnny Janzen told the Fox News affiliate in Tulsa.

And in northern Arkansas, two people were killed in storms in the early hours of Sunday, local authorities confirmed.

All that remains is a trail of debris. The devastation is quite severe, Cooke County Sheriff Ray Sappington told the Associated Press news agency on Sunday.

The dead included two children aged two and five, the sheriff said.

Hugo Parra, who lives in Farmers Branch, north of Dallas, said he rode out the storm with about 40 to 50 people in a gas station bathroom.

A firefighter came up to us and he said, 'You're very lucky,'” Parra said. The best way to describe it is that the wind tried to blow us off the toilet.

Several people were transported to hospitals by ambulance and helicopter in Denton County, Texas, also north of Dallas. But authorities did not immediately know the extent of the injuries.

Elsewhere in Denton County, a tornado overturned tractor-trailers and halted traffic on Interstate 35, county spokeswoman Dawn Cobb said. A shelter was opened in the rural town of Sanger.

At least 60 to 80 people were inside a truck stop, some seeking shelter, when the storm hit, but there were no serious injuries, Sappington said.

The storms also caused damage in Oklahoma, where guests at an outdoor wedding were injured. Some 375,000 people were also without power early Sunday in Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas, according to the website

Meteorologists and authorities issued urgent warnings for people to take shelter as storms moved through the region overnight. If you are in the path of this storm, protect yourself now! » the National Weather Service office in Norman, Oklahoma, posted on the social media platform X.

April and May were busy months for tornadoes, especially in the Midwest. Iowa was hit hard last week, when a deadly tornado devastated Greenfield. Other storms caused flooding and wind damage elsewhere in the state.

More severe weather is forecast for the Great Plains region on Sunday, with tornado warnings still in effect in many locations. But in Texas, the National Weather Service said the threat had diminished.

It's going to rebuild, Sappington told ABC affiliate WFAA. It's Texas.




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