Police station set ablaze and mosques put on high alert after riots spread to Sunderland

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A former police station was set ablaze as far-right protesters took to the streets of Sunderland again to riot following the stabbing attack in Southport earlier this week.
Footage showed flames shooting out of Sunderland Central Police Station, which was believed to be closed, with men, some wearing balaclavas, surrounding the building.
Northumbria Police say officers have been subjected to serious violence. They say eight people have been arrested and three officers have been taken to hospital following riots in Sunderland city
The military added: “The scenes we are seeing are completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Ensuring the safety of the public is our top priority.
Burned vehicle during Sunderland riots
Footage previously shared by Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Exley-Lennon, showed protesters throwing trash cans and other debris into the station before breaking windows of the building.
Police threw beer kegs at hundreds of protesters as they tried to subdue them, while protesters chanted, “Whose street? Our street.”
Tyne and Wear Underground operator Nexus said train and bus services were disrupted and Sunderland train station was closed after 10pm.
The incident forced the Omniplex cinema to close its doors “for the safety of the public and employees.”
Superintendent Helena Barron, who led the police operation, said: So far, eight people have been arrested for a range of crimes including violent rioting and robbery. A full investigation is underway to identify the other perpetrators.
The shocking scenes we witnessed in Sunderland this evening were completely unacceptable. I want to make it clear that the disorder, violence and damage that occurred will not be tolerated.
Old Sunderland police station burns down as riots erupt across Sunderland (TeesPix)
Education Secretary and Sunderland MP Bridget Phillipson condemned the riots in the city as an “inexcusable act of violence and assault”.
She said: The criminals involved in this horrific disorder must be identified, prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Sunderland is better than this and these thugs do not represent our city.
Sunderland AFC on X said Friday's shameful scenes did not represent our culture, our history or our people.
Our great city was built on unity and acceptance, and Sunderland will forever be a city for all. We are stronger as one community.
The chaos on Friday began in Sunderland's newly refurbished Keele Square, where a protest called Enough Is Enough began.
As the helicopter flew overhead, the youths threw rocks at police and chanted, “Whose street? Our street.”
There were confrontations between police and protesters outside a mosque on St Mark's Road, Sunderland.
Mounted police clear protesters during the Enough is Enough protest in Sunderland (Getty Images)
Some protesters argued with the second-tier police as they threw a protective ring around the mosque. Mounted police pushed back the protesters, some of whom were wearing masks.
Some in the crowd chanted in support of Tommy Robinson, while others shouted insults against Islam.
The Muslim Council of Britain said mosques across the UK were on heightened alert, urging them to respond with caution and caution.
Sunderland Central MP Louise Atkinson described the assault as a criminal assault.
In a post on X, he said: I am appalled by the disorder in Sunderland city centre tonight. Our city is not represented by the minority groups causing trouble.
I fully support Northumbria Police in their efforts to tackle criminal assault and protect all communities in the city.
Tomorrow the people of Sunderland will come together to continue building a bright future where all communities in our city are safe and prosperous.
A car was set ablaze in Sunderland as far-right rioters took to the streets (PA)
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has put police on emergency alert as more far-right protests are planned for the weekend. At least 35 protests have been advertised online, with many posts containing phrases such as Enough is Enough and Save Our Children.
They are chasing down misinformation on social media about the attack in Southport on Monday, which killed six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and nine-year-old Alice Dasilva Agiar.
Axel Rudakubana, 17, has been charged with stabbing three girls to death at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport.
Sir Keir visited Southport for the second time since the murders. In a statement, he said: “Our thoughts are with those who have tragically lost loved ones in the brutal attack in Southport. This attack has torn the fabric of this community and has left us all in shock.”
Around 200 anti-racism protesters gathered outside Liverpool's Abdullah Quilliam Mosque on Friday after rumours of a far-right demonstration.
A skirmish broke out after one of the protesters crossed West Derby Road towards a group protecting the Abdullah Quilliam Society mosque, prompting police to move in.
People outside the mosque chanted: “Speak loudly, speak clearly, refugees are welcome.”
A man from the small group across the street responded: Those are motherfuckers!
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