Several police officers injured in violent clashes between protesters across Britain

The latest violence comes a day after protesters in Sunderland, northeast England, threw beer cans and rocks at police.
Several police officers in the UK have been injured as far-right activists and anti-racism protesters clashed amid violent protests following a knife attack at a dance studio in Southport that left three girls dead and several others injured.
Merseyside Police said several officers were seriously injured after a knife attack about 32 kilometres outside Liverpool city centre on Saturday.
In a series of posts on social media platform X, police said: “Such despicable acts that disrupt the lives of the public living in the city or visiting to enjoy the amenities the city has to offer are unacceptable.”
Humberside Police said in a statement that three officers were injured and four people were arrested during chaos in the northeastern English city of Hull, which also saw windows smashed at a hotel housing migrants.
A building and a car next to the police station were set on fire, and 12 people were arrested.
Bricks were thrown at police officers in Stoke-on-Trent in central England, while fights were also reported in Belfast, Manchester and Nottingham.
There were no reports of far-right protests in London.
Online protests with slogans such as “Enough is enough”, “Save our children” and “Stop the boats” are planned for the next few days in cities including Sunderland, Belfast, Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester.
In response, police launched a massive security operation, deploying thousands of officers, many in riot gear, onto the streets.
Police are also building more prison cells and using surveillance and facial recognition technology.
Britain's new Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer held a crisis response meeting with ministers on Saturday, during which he said the police had the government's full support to take action against extremists who attack police and incite hatred, according to a statement from his office at 10 Downing Street.
Fueled by misinformation
Anger has erupted among far-right supporters after false rumours spread online that the suspect in the Southport stabbing was a young Muslim man and immigrant.
Hours after word spread, violent protesters clashed with police outside a nearby mosque.
Police said the name was fake and that rumours that the 17-year-old suspect was an asylum seeker who had recently arrived in Britain were true.
The suspect, charged with murder and attempted murder, was identified on Thursday as Axel Rudakubana, who was born in Britain to Rwandan parents.
By the time the judge said he could identify the teenage suspect, rumors were already flying, and right-wingers were blaming immigrants and Muslims.
In Britain, suspects under the age of 18 are not usually named, but Judge Andrew Mennery ordered the identity of Axel Rudakubana, who was born in Wales to Rwandan parents, to be revealed as part of a measure to stop the spread of misinformation.
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