Riots erupt in Sunderland after fatal child stabbing incident DW 08/03/2024

A third round of riots broke out in Britain on Friday evening following a mass stabbing that left three young girls dead a week ago.
Hundreds of people ran riot in the city centre of Sunderland, northeast England, attacking police and setting fire to buildings and vehicles.
Broadcaster Sky News reported that around 30 other protests organised by far-right groups are planned across Britain this weekend. Several anti-racism demonstrations are also expected.
How did the violence in Sunderland unfold?
An anti-immigrant protest called 'Enough is Enough' began in Keele Square, north of Sunderland city centre, at around 7pm local time (6pm UTC/GMT).
The Sunderland Echo newspaper reported that many protesters wore balaclavas and waved British flags as they marched, and the demonstration quickly became unmanageable.
Riots then broke out, a police station was set on fire and an overturned vehicle was set on fire.
Local media reported that youths threw bricks and other projectiles at police while firecrackers and flares exploded.
At around the same time, a standoff broke out between police and protesters outside a nearby mosque.
According to local media, some in the crowd shouted insults against Islam, while others chanted slogans supporting far-right anti-Islam campaigner and activist Tommy Robinson.
A priest at Sunderland Cathedral said thugs had tried to smash a gravestone to use as a missile, adding they had committed an “act of sacrilege”.
Eight people were arrested on suspicion of assault and robbery, while three police officers were taken to hospital for treatment of injuries.
Sunderland Central MP Louise Atkinson said there were links between the disorder and the remnants of the English Defence League (EDL), which Robinson founded in 2009 but has since disbanded. EDL supporters remain active.
Similar anti-immigration protests and counter-protests took place in the north-west English city of Liverpool, near one of the city's mosques, which is near Southport, where the stabbing occurred on Monday.
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper vowed the rioters would “pay a price for their violence and assault” and urged police to “take the strongest possible action and ensure the full force of the law is applied”.
Southport mass stabbing incident sparks days of rioting
The Sunderland riots marked the third night of violence in response to Monday's mass stabbing at a dance studio in the northwest English coastal city of Southport.
The stabbing incident left three children dead and 10 others injured, eight of them children.
A 17-year-old boy has been charged with multiple crimes, including the murders of girls at a Taylor Swift-themed workshop.
After the Southport attack, far-right social media channels were awash with false claims that the attacker was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat.
Police stressed that the suspect, Axel Rudakubana, was born in the UK.
He was remanded to a juvenile detention facility and is due back in court in October.
In response to the murder, violent incidents erupted in the following days in Southport, the north-eastern town of Hartlepool and London.
On Friday, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, less than a month into office, made his second visit to Southport to meet local leaders.
Starmer has pledged a new “national” response to the problem, linking up police forces across the country through shared intelligence and expanded use of facial recognition technology.
Monday's deadly stabbing incident sparked violence in Southport, where the attack took place, and several other cities in England. Image: Getty Images Security has been stepped up in preparation for the weekend's violence.
Police across the country said they were bracing for more far-right rallies and counter-protests over the weekend.
The Metropolitan Police has said it has put in place “proportional and risk-based” plans to tackle pro-Palestinian and anti-immigrant protests in the British capital.
Greater Manchester Police said a dispersal order had been put in place in the city centre to deal with protests planned for Saturday.
Around 150 people carried St George flags and chanted “You are not British any more” and “Paedophile Muslims off our streets”, but in Leeds they were vastly outnumbered by hundreds of counter-protesters who chanted “Nazi scum off our streets”.
Southport police say they have “extensive planning and a significant police presence” to deal with any potential disorder this weekend.
Police also launched a large-scale security operation in Belfast city centre after a small group of anti-Islam protesters gathered outside City Hall chanting “Islam down”.
The Muslim Council of Britain said security was also heightened at mosques across the country.
mm/rmt(AFP, dpa, Reuters)
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