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British PM promises rioters will regret their actions, calls it far-right violence

British PM promises rioters will regret their actions, calls it far-right violence



Britain's prime minister has labelled those who staged violent riots on Sunday “far-right thugs” and warned those who take part in violent chaos on the streets “will regret it”.

Keir Starmer has said there is “no doubt” those involved in the violence will face the full force of the law in a national address to the nation about the ongoing violence.

“Whether you take part in this chaos yourself, or encourage it online and then walk away, you will regret it,” the prime minister said, adding: “This is not a protest, this is an act of organised violence.”

Citing incidents at a Rotherham hotel where windows were smashed, the building was set ablaze and guests and staff were terrified, Starmer declared such behaviour had no place on Britain's streets or online.

“There is absolutely no justification for taking such actions, and all decent people should condemn this kind of violence.”

On Sunday, a large anti-immigrant protest turned violent, with far-right protesters attacking a Rotherham hotel housing refugees, smashing windows and setting fire to the building.

The incident took place just before noon and was recorded as violent clashes between far-right protesters, police and counter-protesters.

“The people of this country have the right to be safe, but we have seen Muslim communities being targeted, mosques being attacked… so I wouldn’t shy away from calling it far-right violence,” Starmer said.

“If you're targeting people because of their skin color or their religion, that's far right,” he added.

'The violent attack on the refugee camp is absolutely horrific'

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has condemned the mob that targeted a hotel housing refugees in Rotherham as an “absolutely appalling” incident.

“The deliberate setting of a fire to a building with people known to be inside. South Yorkshire Police has the full support of the government to take the strongest possible action against those responsible,” she said.

Scotland's First Minister John Swinney also expressed concern about the incident in Rotherham, saying it, like others in recent days, was “the product of far-right racist violence”.

“Racism must be confronted wherever and whenever it appears,” he wrote on X.

Northern Ireland First Minister Michelle O'Neill said she spoke by phone with Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris following attacks on communities and businesses in Belfast on Saturday.

“Racism and hate have no place on our island and will never have a place,” O’Neill said, adding that he would continue to work with everyone to create a better, more inclusive future for all.

Opposition Conservative leader Rishi Sunak said: “The shocking scenes we are seeing on Britain's streets have nothing to do with the tragedy in Southport.”

“This is violent and criminal behaviour that has no place in our society. The police have our full support to deal with these criminals quickly and they must face the full weight of the law,” he added.

Authorities earlier reported at least 100 people had been arrested as violence erupted across the UK, not just in Rotherham, with more protests planned for later on Sunday.

Similar protests are expected in Bolton, Lancaster, Middlesborough, Weymouth and Newcastle upon Tyne.

A masked mob, including several waving British flags, gathered outside a hotel known to be housing immigrants.

Local authorities are on high alert, expecting more violent protests across the country on Sunday.

The riots follow the tragic murder of three young girls in Southport on Monday, an incident that has further strained community relations and sparked further unrest in several cities across the UK.

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