Germany wins women's 3×3 gold at Olympics; USA takes bronze

PARIS — Sonja Greinacher scored a decisive two-pointer with 30 seconds left as Germany beat Spain 17-16 for the gold medal in women's 3×3 at the Paris Olympics on Monday night.
Juana Camilion scored a 3-1 to give Spain a 15-13 lead with two minutes left. But Elisa Mevius and Marie Reichert scored back-to-back baskets to tie the game at 15-15 with about 90 seconds left.
Greinacher managed to deflect the German team's long shot, which gave Spain a two-point lead. Camilion scored a basket for Spain with 17 seconds left, but Germany lost the ball, which gave Spain a chance to equalize at the buzzer. But Gracia Alonso's shot was short, which gave Germany the victory.
NBA Hall of Famer Dirk Nowitzki was on hand to cheer on his home country of Germany, and Spain was supported by King Felipe and Hall of Famer Pau Gasol.
Nowitzki raised both arms high above his head and applauded after Greinacher made his big shot.
Camilion scored six points for Spain and Alonso added five.
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Hailey Van Lith had six points to lead defending champion Team USA to the bronze medal with a 16-13 victory over Canada.
The United States has won five straight games after a winless start to the season (0-3). It reached the semifinals before losing to Spain (18-16 in overtime) earlier Monday.
“We talked about it a little bit as a team: coming home with bronze is better than coming home with nothing, which is what we could have done after the tough start we had,” said American Rhyne Howard. “We could have just rested and not even competed so far, but we stuck together, stayed the course and made something out of very little.”
Canada led by one point with about 90 seconds left before Dearica Hamby scored a basket and a free throw to give the United States a 14-13 lead.
Cierra Burdick hit one of her two free throws with 39 seconds left to make it 16-13 and secure the victory.
Although the players were happy to go home with a medal, they were a little disappointed not to have repeated as champions.
“I put years into this with one goal in mind, so when you don’t achieve it, your heart breaks a little bit,” Burdick said.
In the other semifinal, Greinacher scored 11 points and his basket with one second left gave Germany a 16-15 victory over Canada.
Michelle Plouffe scored three straight points to give Canada a 13-11 lead with about three minutes left. But Greinacher scored the next four points to put Germany back in front.
Katherine Plouffe scored the next two baskets to tie the game at 15 before Greinacher's buzzer-beater gave Germany the win.
Sandra Ygueravide helped Spain beat the United States in the semifinals. She scored a basket in overtime, where the first team to score two points wins, before Howard missed a two-pointer for the United States.
Hamby was then penalized for a pushing foul on Ygueravide who set up the winning free throw.
With 13 seconds left in regulation time, a shot by Howard gave the United States the lead, but Ygueravide's basket with five seconds left forced overtime.
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