A massive anti-racism rally has taken place in Britain amid a failed far-right demonstration.

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Anti-racism protesters gathered in cities across Britain on Wednesday night to protest what they said was widespread far-right unrest. The protests ultimately failed to materialise.
Large rallies were held in Liverpool, Brighton, Bristol, Newcastle and London in the early evening, with a list of venues seen as targets of violence, including refugee charities and immigration lawyers.
But despite concerns that there would be a repeat of the racist attacks and civil unrest the day before, anti-racism protesters met with little opposition, with many demonstrations dispersing within hours.
London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said on Thursday that violent rioters had been contained by police force and community solidarity.
Rowley told the BBC's Today programme that the raid on Thursday morning took place in the early hours of the morning and that around 70 per cent of those who were most violent at the Whitehall protest last week had a criminal background.
We've got criminal damage, violence, weapons offences, football bans. These are criminal thugs, he said. To be honest, most of them will be charged with violent disorder and most of them will go to prison for years.
Protesters in Brighton chanted: “From the Downs to the sea, Brighton will be fascist free.” Charlie Bibby / Financial Times
Britain has been hit by riots and widespread violence in the past week, which initially began with the murder of three children in Southport on July 29.
The tragedy escalated into riots led by far-right groups after false information was spread online that the attacker was a Muslim asylum seeker.
As violence spread over the weekend, a hotel housing refugees was attacked and burned.
Rumors of more than 30 far-right figures being targeted in the past evening circulated online, prompting a nationwide police response and anti-racism groups advertising dozens of counter-protests.
In the southern coastal city of Brighton, a carnival-style pro-immigrant protest echoed scenes from across the country, meeting little opposition.
Four far-right protesters were chased out of a door by police across the street from an immigration law firm that was on a far-right target list circulated earlier this week.
Around 2,000 counter-demonstrators jeered and marched from Brighton to the sea, chanting “Brighton will be free without fascists”.
By 11:30 p.m. the crowd had dispersed and police reported no arrests.
Ali Sisei, who works for a women's rights group, said it had been 10 years since the city last saw major far-right protests.
She pointed to a motley group of anti-fascist groups, residents, young and old, and said that's why they don't come here. They've come together again and have driven the far right out of town. It's important to keep it that way.
Ali Ceesay was one of the pro-immigrant protesters who took to the streets of Brighton. Charlie Bibby/FT
Shops in many towns and city centres closed early ahead of Wednesday evening's protests, particularly those in areas that experienced unrest over the weekend.
Police and local leaders have issued reassuring messages to the public amid growing fears, particularly among Muslim communities, that the weekend's incident could be repeated.
The government has pledged to deploy 6,000 riot police nationwide, and the military has insisted it is well-equipped to respond in case of spontaneous violence.
But apart from a few isolated incidents – including eight people arrested in Croydon for purely anti-social behaviour – and a few arrests around the country, the evening appeared to have passed uneventfully.
Liverpool, about 20 miles from Southport, was one of the areas hit by violent riots over the weekend. But on Friday night, a community-led counter-protest filled the city’s streets, with women carrying anti-Nazi placards.
On Wednesday night, hundreds of anti-racist protesters turned out to defend an asylum charity rumoured to be a far-right target, and they were met with no apparent disorder. As in many other towns and cities, the protest itself did not cause any noticeable unrest and by 9.30pm it had mostly dispersed.
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