UK riots expose double standards on far-right and Islamist violence | Far Right

The recent UK riots, which began with the Southport knife attack, have exposed concerns about the double standards in how society perceives and responds to far-right violence, and in comparison to Islamic extremism. This imbalance demands a serious rethinking of how we deal with far-right extremism, and recognize the serious threat it represents.
While far-right-led violence is often categorized as simple violence or hooliganism, similar acts led by Islamist extremists are more likely to be quickly categorized as terrorism. This discrepancy undermines the perceived seriousness of the far-right threat and hinders the political will to take equal action.
Minimizing the ideological implications also contributes to distorting public perceptions of extremism, as it ignores the influence of widespread social biases such as racism, religious discrimination, and anti-immigrant sentiment.
The language used in public, political, and media discourse matters. It shapes how communities understand and respond to various forms of violence, and thus affects the effectiveness of counter-extremism measures.
A study conducted in 2015 and 2016 by the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), a defence and security think tank, in areas affected by far-right extremism found that communities often associated such violence with hooligans or criminals rather than terrorism or violent extremism. In contrast, extremism was commonly associated with Islamism and violent jihad.
This perception has significant implications for community-based efforts to counter the far right. It influences who is responsible for leading the response, often leaving it to the police rather than other actors involved in counter-terrorism and counter-violent extremism work, and how such responses are conducted, typically focusing on punitive measures against individuals who do not address more widely held underlying ideologies.
So how people define and understand far-right extremism affects the likelihood of success in measures to prevent it.
Research in Russia suggests that far-right violence is often seen as less influential and fragmented, and is often linked to institutional bias and racism, which has historically not garnered the same level of response from politicians, security services, or the media as jihadist violent extremism.
Keir Starmer’s characterization of the recent riots as far-right violence illustrates this problem. While the Prime Minister’s intention was to acknowledge the ideological underpinnings of the violence, the term violence narrows down the individuals and groups involved in the organized, networked and ideological components of the riots.
The riots must be understood in the context of a steady stream of attacks and attacks against migrants and refugees in Britain in recent years. These incidents reveal a pattern of violence that has been largely ignored by politicians and the public.
Moreover, these attacks are not isolated incidents but part of a wider pattern of far-right extremism seen across Europe. For example, similar far-right riots occurred in Dublin in 2023 and in Kemis, Germany in 2018, both in response to stabbing incidents that stoked widespread anti-immigrant sentiment, and which far-right groups used to incite violence against migrants and refugees.
Recent discussions about considering terrorism charges for the most serious incidents of far-right violence challenge the current framework and approach to dealing with far-right violence. While the label of terrorism does not apply to all incidents of violence that occur in the context of a riot, and many incidents would be better classified as hate crimes or extremism, recognizing serious incidents of far-right violence as terrorism would be consistent with a more equitable legal strategy to ensure that all forms of extremism are prosecuted with the same degree of severity.
It is time to reassess how we address far-right violence, address it with urgency, and create a future where extremism in all its forms is addressed with equal resolve and precision.
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