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USA women's basketball team wins gold in Olympic final

USA women's basketball team wins gold in Olympic final


On the final day of competition at the Paris Olympics, the Americans' safest bet proved true once again.

But this time, barely.

The U.S. women's national basketball team won its eighth consecutive Olympic gold medal on Sunday, with a tight 67-66 victory over host France at Bercy Arena. The victory not only confirmed the United States' longstanding dominance in basketball. It gave the U.S. its 40th gold medal of the Paris Games, tying it with China for the most gold medals at these Olympics. The U.S. leads the medal table with 126, to China's 91.

By any objective measure, Team USA won the Paris Olympics.

Aja Wilson saved the game for the United States, scoring 21 points, grabbing 13 rebounds and making four blocked shots. France managed to take a 25-25 halftime lead against the Americans, and the home team took a 35-25 lead early in the third period. The U.S. team had won its last 60 Olympics by an average of 30 points. Could the host nation end its successful Olympics with an impossible upset?

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The French came, oh, so close.

Wilson was everywhere for most of the third quarter, grabbing rebounds, blocking shots to stop Frances' run. The U.S. led 45-43 entering the fourth quarter. With just over 5 minutes left, France led 53-51. A free throw by Breanna Stewart gave the U.S. the lead again, 56-55, with four minutes to go. Then, of course, Wilson scored to give the U.S. a 58-55 advantage that they refused to relinquish. A layup by Kahleah Copper gave the U.S. a 62-59 lead with just over a minute to go. Marine Fauthoux forced a three-pointer to tie the game with 20 seconds left: Stewart made a shot and the U.S. held on.

Throughout these Games, Wilson has continued to prove herself as the best women's basketball player on the planet. She is averaging 27.2 points per game in the WNBA for the two-time defending champion Las Vegas Aces and could become the first player in league history to average 12 rebounds per game (she currently averages 11.96 per game). She reached the Olympic semifinals averaging a solid 18.2 points per game. Despite missing a slew of short shots she typically makes before halftime in the gold medal game, Wilson still attacked and attacked.

The 65-year-old left-hander can do it all. She's a skilled dribbler and shooter, a willing passer and a physical game that mixes things up.

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This gold medal is historic for Diana Taurasi, the American star who won her sixth Olympic title. Although she suffered from injuries and did not play much during these Games, Taurasi is the first Olympic basketball player to have won 6 Olympic gold medals.

Brittney Griner could one day catch Taurasi: She has now won three Olympic gold medals and can celebrate this one after spending 293 days in 2022 incarcerated in Russia before being released in a prisoner swap. Stewart, the reigning WNBA MVP, also won a third straight gold medal.

With everything settled in Paris, attention turns to the WNBA, which is drawing record numbers of fans this season, thanks in large part to the arrival of compelling new recruits, including Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese. Play resumes on August 15. Clark’s absence from that Olympic roster has been controversial. She brought unprecedented attention to women’s basketball and would certainly have drawn cheers and likely thrived on the Parisian scene.

But the American players in Paris have all earned their place here. Clark's Olympic time will probably come. Women's basketball's moment continues.




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