I am a #humanist because it reflects my approach to life. – Humanists UK

Author: Andrew Copson
In 2020, at the height of the third pandemic lockdown, Humanists UK launched a small social media campaign called #HumanistBecause, asking people to use the hashtag to briefly explain why they call themselves humanists.
We expected the campaign to resonate with humanists online, but we were surprised by how much it did. We gained around 10 million impressions on Twitter that month, and four times as many on Facebook. Some of the most popular posts on Twitter and Instagram were naturally from Humanists UK supporters and other prominent humanists. Quotes from Sandi Toksvig and Alice Roberts were turned into graphics, and people like actor Eddie Marsan, writer Tom Sherrington and MP Rachel Hopkins all got involved with the hashtag. But we were delighted to see that some of the most popular content came from the public. Over 2,000 people posted original Tweets, Instagram Stories and Facebook posts during the period.
Why did the campaign resonate? Perhaps because the format captured something of the essence of humanism. It was descriptive rather than prescriptive. A shoe that fit. A perspective rather than a duty. A conclusion reached rather than a dogmatic list of dos and don'ts.
Our decision to relaunch the #HumanistBecause campaign four years after the winter lockdown in November reflects this understanding: humanism is not something people consciously choose or have to adhere to, but rather a label that resonates with individuals who already live by values rooted in reason, compassion and human well-being.
Calling yourself a humanist is a way of naming positive values that you already have. It comes naturally to those who live ethical lives without religion, but there is a lot of room for disagreement and diversity within it. What humanists have in common is not our particular opinions about politics or society, but our starting point. We use reason, scientific methods, and evidence to draw conclusions about the world. We use empathy and compassion to determine right and wrong. We accept that life is too short, and it is our job to make it count.
#HumanistBecause is about encouraging people to recognize and express their own ethical stances. By sharing stories and perspectives within diverse communities, we hope to show that humanism is not a single philosophy, but a broad and inclusive umbrella that many people naturally fall into—even if they don’t yet consider themselves humanists.
According to research, in countries where half the population is non-religious, about a quarter of the population (about half of the non-religious) hold beliefs and values that fit the definition of humanism. Of course, people in the non-religious and the general population will find that they share values and ideas with humanists. What we want is for non-religious people to have the choice to confidently express their beliefs, opinions, and values, and to understand that their views are not second best to religion, but are a long-standing, completely consistent, rational, and morally correct worldview that has helped shape this society and our world historically for the better.
At Humanists UK, our educational work focuses instead on making humanism more widely understood by the public. This mission includes social media campaigns like this one, which reach millions of people. But it’s also why we send trained school visitors to schools to help teachers explore humanism as part of their religious education lessons. It’s why we run a wide-ranging heritage project mapping the impact of humanism on British society. And it’s why we even maintain a national dialogue programme with faith groups to build bridges and clear up misunderstandings.
Join the conversation
In essence, this campaign is not an invitation to join a movement, but an invitation to recognize the shared understanding of life that many people already live. It is about finding the right words to express what we feel. A language that gives voice to our inner lives and is proud of humanistic thought and action.
Reading through some of the tweets this morning, I was struck by how many people call themselves humanists not for obvious reasons like using reason, logic, evidence, kindness, and judging right from wrong, and treating others well. In the 2,000 unique user-generated comments, I saw comments that were proud of humanism not just because it was a way of thinking, but because it inspired them and others to take action for causes they cared about.
In 2020, former congressman Graham Allen joined in, saying he was a humanist because this world is all we have, and cooperating humanity can provide all we need using reason and empathy. Skeptic activist Michael Marshall tweeted: I am a #humanist because I believe we only have one life, and what happens in it really matters. Suffering, lies, and injustice are real, and improving people’s lives is the most important thing we can do.
I smiled when I read what environmental activist Zion Wright said yesterday. She said, “I believe that the responsibility for caring for the Earth lies entirely with humanity.” She continued by quoting humanist cosmologist Carl Kagan. As Carl Sagan once wrote about our small world in a distant image, it highlights our responsibility to be kinder to one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
Thank you for joining us in this ongoing conversation.
Andrew Copson
For further information or comments please contact Kathy Riddick at [email protected].
Humanists UK is a national charity working on behalf of non-religious people. With the support of 120,000 members and supporters, we promote free thinking and humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. We provide awareness, pastoral care, education and support services that benefit over a million people each year, and our campaigns promote humanistic thinking on ethical issues, human rights and the equal treatment of all people.
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