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'It Ends With Us' Surpasses $100 Million

'It Ends With Us' Surpasses 0 Million


It Ends With Us has surpassed $100 million at the global box office in its first week.

The film adaptation of Colleen Hoover's best-selling novel reached that milestone Wednesday after ending the day with a domestic total of $68.9 million and a foreign total of $46.6 million, for a worldwide total of $115.5 million. (The film, starring Blake Lively, was released in select foreign markets a day or two before its North American release on Aug. 9, a Friday.)

Sony and Wayfarer Studios' summer movie blew past expectations in its U.S. debut, grossing $50 million over the Aug. 9-11 weekend. It came in second behind Deadpool & Wolverine, the blockbuster superhero film starring Lively's husband Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. On Monday, It Ends With Us beat out the third Deadpool movie and has held the top spot ever since.

The R-rated film also impressed overseas, grossing $30 million from its first 42 markets for an $80 million worldwide debut against a modest $25 million budget.

In It Ends With Us, Lively stars as Lily Bloom, a woman who overcomes a traumatic childhood in which her father abused her mother to embark on a new life in Boston and fulfill her lifelong dream of opening her own business. A chance encounter with charming neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid (Justin Baldoni) sparks an intense connection, but as they fall deeply in love, Lily begins to see sides of Ryle that remind her of her parents' relationship. When Lily's first love, Atlas Corrigan (Brandon Sklenar), suddenly reappears in her life, her relationship with Ryle is upended and Lily realizes she must learn to rely on her own strength to make an impossible choice about her future.

Baldoni, co-founder of Wayfarer Studios, directed the film.

All eyes are on It Ends With Us' second weekend results. It has little competition among female-oriented films and is posting exceptional audience ratings. Sony insiders are cautious, suggesting a $22 million to $24 million gross, but others think it could gross $20 million to $30 million.

There’s also the matter of the ongoing social media firestorm, which began when Lively, Hoover and other cast members conspicuously didn’t pose with Baldoni at the New York premiere (they also unfollowed him on Instagram). Rumors swirled that a rift occurred during filming over creative differences between Lively and Baldoni, as well as allegations that he alienated Lively and others on set with certain comments. To date, neither side has commented, though Baldoni has hired crisis communications manager Melissa Nathan.

Even Sony's top executives stepped up to support Lively when social media users accused her of not taking the film's subject matter, domestic violence, seriously enough, even though she spoke about it frequently during the press tour.

“Blake, Colleen and so many other women put so much effort into this remarkable film, working tirelessly from the beginning to ensure that such an important subject was handled with care. Audiences love the film. Blake’s passion and commitment to advancing the conversation on domestic violence is commendable,” Sony Pictures Entertainment chairman and CEO Tony Vinciquerra told The Hollywood Reporter on August 15. He made no mention of Baldoni.

“We love working with Blake,” the CEO continued, “and we want to make 12 more films with her.”




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