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The It Ends With Us drama explained by a Hollywood crisis expert

The It Ends With Us drama explained by a Hollywood crisis expert


Photo: José Pérez/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images

In its first week of release, It Ends With Us, the film adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s best-selling novel about a domestic abuse survivor, has taken the No. 1 spot from Deadpool and Wolverine and grossed $100 million worldwide. But that’s not what everyone’s talking about. Instead, everyone’s wondering what’s going on between stars Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively. Things have gotten so tense that Baldoni has hired Melissa Nathan, an industry crisis management veteran who has represented famous (and controversial) figures like Johnny Depp, Logan Paul and Drake.

Rumors of tension between the lead actors began after Baldoni, who also directed and produced the film with his company, Wayfarer Studios, was not photographed with his castmates at the New York premiere on August 6. He was seated in a different room on opening night and did not introduce the film alongside Lively and Hoover. He was also absent from paired or group interviews and promotional appearances throughout the press tour. After fans noticed this odd behavior, they began to keep a closer eye on Lively and Baldoni, trying to figure out why the two felt like they were falling out. Many speculate that they may have been arguing over how to promote the film's sensitive subject matter (Lively has been criticized for talking about her new hair care line more than domestic violence), or that Baldoni didn't like Lively and her husband Ryan Reynolds' reported involvement in the film. The week after the film's U.S. release, sources told TMZ that Baldoni inquired about Lively's weight and lingered too long in a kiss during filming, which could be why they're keeping their distance.

We asked crisis management consultant Holly Baird to answer all our questions about this delicate situation.

What would a crisis management team do for Justin Baldoni right now? In this case, they would determine the truth, talk to production and see what really happened, and then see if your client actually has a problem or if it's just poor production management. I think a lot of the problems from the Weinstein era could have been solved if the actors and crew had someone on set to talk to.

Why do you think an actor hires a crisis manager in the first place? Maybe it's to prevent something from happening if allegations come forward. The one that raised my eyebrows was the story that he kissed her too long. Sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire. Sometimes it's just people making up crap on the internet.

What advice would you give to actors? First of all, I need to know what's really going on, and it's essential to approach the situation with a certain neutrality. At the end of the day, you have to focus on the common goal: creating a great product. I don't think it should get to the point where rumors are circulating on the set.

What specific advice would you give Baldoni? None. I’m Team Blake. However, honesty is key: address the issue, take steps to correct the behavior, and present yourself in the best light. Everyone has a bad day, but how you react afterwards shows your true character and that’s what people will remember. This production was a new experience for everyone involved, both creatively and professionally, which means there’s a lot of room for growth and improvement.

The theme of the film is domestic violence. Do you think that kind of press negatively affects the message of the film? I have been representing a leading domestic violence organization for about ten years. It all starts in the home, and the home is where this film set is. If there are allegations of inappropriate behavior, it needs to be addressed immediately, because it's never really about one person. It starts with one person, and then one person doesn't say anything and it snowballs.

You mentioned Harvey Weinstein earlier. Do you think people are more likely to stifle negative behavior early on? One hundred percent. Whether it's on a movie set or at a university, no one wants to be the next big thing.

How often do co-stars find themselves in situations like this and turn to a crisis management team to handle the situation? I've never heard of anything like this, which is why I'm a little taken aback. I don't think we know the whole story, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions. In environments where people let their guard down and actors are put in vulnerable situations, it's up to Hollywood and the production to protect their cast. It's odd that Melissa's name came up, because the whole story hasn't really come out yet. Either she's promoting herself, or someone is letting Justin know, “We're on to you, and your days are numbered.”

What does a typical day look like for you as a crisis management expert? I wake up around 5:30 a.m. and check my phone to see if the world has exploded or if something in my clients’ worlds has shifted. Then I can close my eyes for a little while and recharge for the day. I appreciate having some downtime sometimes, because when you’re in the middle of a crisis, it’s all hands on deck.

If a client needs to get something out to the media, I'll go through my media list and see who would be a good outlet for that story, then I'll go online and see if anyone has picked it up. If I meet with a reporter, we'll also talk about other stories that could be covered, and then, honestly, I'll ask about their families. We're human beings.

How in demand are crisis management professionals in Hollywood right now? Summer is always quiet. It's always during the holidays that everyone seems to get into trouble. Right now, a lot of people are trying to stay under the radar, especially after Diddy. When the first Diddy stories broke, people reached out to crisis management specialists and lawyers, but now it's completely quiet. Everyone's just trying to wait and see who the next big thing is.

Can you describe a strategy you used in one of your recent cases? I’m currently working with a client who is not a celebrity, but we’re competing against a celebrity. When you’re competing against someone who is just well-liked and people think they can do no wrong, it’s harder to get that story out there. It’s not always about representing Goliath. Sometimes David needs representation, too.





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