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Angry jet stream expected to bring heavy rain ahead of UK heatwave

Angry jet stream expected to bring heavy rain ahead of UK heatwave
Angry jet stream expected to bring heavy rain ahead of UK heatwave


An angry jet stream will split in two and join former Hurricane Ernesto to wreak havoc on Britain's weather.

Complex weather systems will race to bring wind and rain before the sweltering heat returns.

Bewildered meteorologists are once again struggling to forecast the yo-yo effect that is so prevalent in the tropics.

Hurricane Ernesto strengthened off the US east coast last night and is expected to be carried by a powerful jet stream towards the UK.

The weather map shows rain on Monday.

WX chart

UK weather: Fierce jet stream to bring heavy rain ahead of UK heatwaveWX Chart

After a calm weekend, temperatures are expected to rise on Monday as gusty winds move in from the west and storms reach their peak strength.

Alex Deakin, a meteorologist at the Met Office in the UK, said: “This is a time when the tropics can have a major impact on the weather, which is likely to make long-term forecasts more difficult.

It's a fairly complex situation, but the consensus is that after a good weekend, clouds and rain will move west on Monday.

As Ernesto moves further north, it will likely begin interacting with the jet stream next week.

As it moves north it may carry warm air, bringing some warmth to the UK.

Recent Developments:

Met Office's Alex Deakin explains the jet stream split.

Meteorological Administration

Bizarrely, the jet stream split in two later this week, sending unstable weather systems into the UK.

A mix of weather systems across the Atlantic will bring heavy rain to the West later this weekend.

Deakin said: There's a standard, but somewhat angry, jet stream running across the Atlantic, and it's very active for that time of year.

Then, interestingly, they split, creating two jet streams over the weekend.

A low pressure system has been forming over the Atlantic Ocean all weekend, and it is expected to merge with a weather front associated with the northern jet stream, bringing clouds and rain on Monday.

Ernesto's path will determine how warm the weather gets next week and how much rain falls across the UK.

Ernesto's remains have arrived.

Meteorological Administration

As the previous hurricane moves north toward Iceland, tropical airflow will spread more widely across the country.

The further south the path takes, the greater the risk of cloud and rain for Scotland and northern England.

However, the weather service predicts a path somewhere in between these two, bringing warmth to the south and showers to the north.

As Britain's weather continues to play out unexpectedly, experts say another round of very hot weather is likely.

In just two weeks, the listless summer will be over, and the start of fall is still in the air.

“September is the new summer, so we're likely to see hot weather from August onwards,” said Jim Dale, a meteorologist at the Met Office in the UK and co-author of Surviving Extreme Weather.

This is due to the effects of climate change, which means we are seeing higher temperatures later this year.

As fall begins, there is a good chance that we will continue to see warm or very warm and pleasant weather.




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