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Giant rat-sized spider reappears in UK

Giant rat-sized spider reappears in UK


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Britain's largest species of spider, which can grow to the size of a mouse and hunts fish, is making a comeback in the country.

Once nearly extinct when their wetland habitat was destroyed by humans in 2010, the population of marsh spiders has been steadily increasing thanks to recent conservation efforts.

In a nature reserve run by RSBP, spiders are expected to set an all-time record.

Marsh spiders keep their eggs moist by dipping their egg sacs in water every few hours (Algirdas/Creative Commons)

The conservation charity said recent research estimates the total number of female spiders could be as high as 3,750 across 12 sites across the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads alone.

Spiders can weave webs up to 25 cm long, and can grow to the size of a man's hand.

“As RSPB Mid Yare Nature Reserve Manager and home to a large number of spiders, the pen-rafted spider is one of the rarest invertebrates in the UK and we are proud of the role our reserve and our team are playing in its recovery,” he told MailOnline.

A baby Penraft spider is reared in a test tube at Chester Zoo when conservation efforts began in 2011 (Reuters)

Penn Raft spiders have brown or black bodies with white or cream stripes along their sides. At nearly 3 inches (8 cm) wide, they are the largest of Britain's 660 native spider species.

This species lives only in wetlands, swamps and marshes, and uses its long, hairy legs to skate across the surface of the water.

These spiders play a vital role in maintaining the rich aquatic diversity found in our protected grazing ditches. The females are impressive in size, but they are also beautiful and truly special to see, Mr Strudwick added.

The spiders are non-venomous, but they are semi-aquatic and can run on the surface of the water to catch their prey. Their diet includes other spiders, dragonflies, dragonfly larvae, and even fish and tadpoles.

Mr Strudwick added that the spider had been found at other RSPB sites in Norfolk but was very shy.

They are most easily found when grazing in wetland ditches from June to September.

He added that now is the best time to visit the reserve, as visitors to the Strumpfshaw Pen are most likely to see mature females and their glittering brood nets as they walk along the meadow trails.

Jane Sears, an RSPB ecologist who has been involved in the conservation of the Penn Raft spider, told the newspaper: “The RSPB has played a key role in the reintroduction of this spider and we need to restore, manage and protect the wetland habitats where Penn Raft spiders thrive to ensure a future for this species and many others.




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