British male students less masculine when sharing flats with women | Students

A new study from the University of Essex and the University of Technology Sydney in Australia finds that living with a female roommate at university makes male students less masculine.
The study, which followed a group of students at a British university living in campus halls of residence for a year, found that men living in mixed flats with female roommates had significantly reduced competitiveness. There was no effect for women.
Dr Angus Holford, a senior research fellow at the University of Essex and co-author of the study, said in the paper that living with more female roommates made men more likely to have their competitiveness decline over time. Conversely, living with more male roommates made them more likely to have their competitiveness rise over time.
Excessive competition among boys can have negative consequences for the future. For example, it can lead to dysfunctional workplaces, such as those exposed at Nike and the ride-sharing company Uber. A culture of masculine competition can lead to reduced innovation, increased bullying and harassment, and increased rates of illness and depression in both male and female workers.
Holford said the less competition there is in the room, the healthier and more productive the relationships between coworkers are likely to be.
But competitiveness isn't always a negative trait, he added. It's not necessarily toxic. People who are more competitive get higher grades, earn higher salaries later in life, and have higher life satisfaction, he said. So there's this kind of tradeoff between what's good for the individual and what's good for the organization and society.
In this study, participants were assessed twice: once during their first year of college and once during their second year. To measure competitiveness, students were asked to complete the same paid task, and were given the option to receive a fixed amount or a higher amount depending on whether they won the competition.
Holford said the new study found that there is no innate competitive gap between men and women, and that it is not an instinctive trait.
We're showing that competitiveness is not a fixed trait. There are no innate, permanent differences between men and women. In fact, they respond very quickly to their environment, he said.
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The new findings come as hundreds of thousands of young people prepare to move into halls of residence or house shares ahead of the new university year. Last Thursday’s A-level results were the highest in England since 2010, with 82 per cent of applicants nationwide gaining places at their first choice universities.
Most new university students will want to move into their halls of residence when their semester starts in September, but the severe shortage of accommodation can make moving more difficult for some students. In recent years, the UK’s university towns have suffered a housing crisis, with students in some of the most popular university towns, such as Bristol, living in other towns just a few miles from campus.
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