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Osaka to face Ostapenko, Zheng to play Anisimova in first round

Osaka to face Ostapenko, Zheng to play Anisimova in first round


The 2024 US Open draw is out and features a series of first-round blockbusters between some of the biggest names on the Hologic WTA Tour.

Naomi Osaka, a four-time Grand Slam champion in 2018 and 2020, will face No. 10 seed Jelena Ostapenko in her first appearance at Flushing Meadows since becoming a mother. The two players have met only once before, in the first round of the 2016 French Open, the year before Ostapenko won her first major title. Osaka won that match 6-4, 7-5.

New Olympic gold medallist Zheng Qinwen, seeded No. 7, will face wild-card invitee Amanda Anisimova for the first time. Anisimova also made her comeback in 2024 after taking a mental health break in 2023, and returned to the top 50 two weeks ago after reaching her first WTA 1000 final in Toronto.

Seeded No. 5, Jasmine Paolini will face 2019 champion Bianca Andreescu in her first match. This matchup is becoming more common on the major stage this year: the two players have played in the third round of Roland Garros and Wimbledon. Paolini won both meetings and reached her first two Grand Slam finals.

No. 1 seed Iga Swiatek will face lucky loser Kamilla Rakhimova in the first round, while No. 2 seed Aryna Sabalenka will face qualifier Priscilla Hon. No. 3 seed Coco Gauff will be in Sabalenka’s half and will open her title defense against Varvara Gracheva. No. 4 seed Elena Rybakina will be in Swiatek’s half and will open against qualifier Destanee Aiava.

The bottom half, consisting of Sabalenka and Gauff, will start the match on Monday. The top half, consisting of Swiatek and Rybakina, will start on Tuesday.

Click here to see the full draw. Here's how the four quarters break down:

First quarter

Swiatek's scheduled opponent in the quarterfinals is No. 6 seed Jessica Pegula, the Toronto champion and finalist in Cincinnati this month. Pegula will first have to navigate a crowded bracket.

She will open against fellow American Shelby Rogers, and the winner will be guaranteed a second-round matchup with a former Grand Slam champion: either 2021 US Open winner Emma Raducanu or 2020 Australian Open winner Sofia Kenin. Raducanu and Kenin will be playing for the first time.

Champions Reel: How Jessica Pegula Won Toronto 2024

The player who emerges from this group could face a dangerous big hitter in the fourth round. No. 11 seed Danielle Collins, playing in her final U.S. Open, is Pegula's projected opponent, but she will potentially have to overcome No. 18 seed Diana Shnaider, who was ranked outside the top 100 in January but has rocketed into the top 20 after winning three titles on three different surfaces this year. Collins will be looking to reach the fourth round of her home major for the second time.

Swiatek, who is looking to lift the US Open trophy for the second time, could face either No. 16 seed Liudmila Samsonova or No. 21 seed Mirra Andreeva in the fourth round. The Pole first faced Andreeva in the quarterfinals in Cincinnati last week, beating the 17-year-old Roland Garros semifinalist 4-6, 6-3, 7-5.

First round matches to follow: [21] Mirra Andreeva vs. Camila Osorio, [11] Danielle Collins vs. Caroline Dolehide, Nadia Podoroska vs. [18] Diana Schneider, Emma Raducanu against. Sofia Kenin

Second quarter

The two duels Osaka-Ostapenko and Paolini-Andreescu stand out wonderfully, especially since the two winners are well on their way to meeting in the fourth round. However, they only scratched the surface of an eventful second quarter.

The Osaka and Ostapenko winner could face 2023 semi-finalist Karolina Muchova in the second round. The Czech returned to action in June after a 10-month absence due to wrist surgery, but she already reached the final in Palermo last month. However, Muchova’s first-round opponent Katie Volynets cannot be ruled out of this bracket; the American’s relentless and consistent play is tailor-made to expose any lingering rust. Whoever emerges from this bracket should face No.23 seed Leylah Fernandez, the 2021 finalist, in the third round.

Meanwhile, the winner of Paolini and Andreescu could face 2016 finalist Karolina Pliskova in the second round and, in the third, one of the year’s best giant-killers, No. 30 seed Yulia Putintseva, who has knocked out the world No. 1 and No. 2 in the last two months. Putintseva will face 19-year-old power hitter Linda Noskova, an Australian Open quarterfinalist, in her first match.

Rybakina, who is returning from a bout of acute bronchitis that kept her out of the Olympics, could face either No. 28 seed Caroline Garcia or former world No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki in the third round, and is expected to face No. 15 seed Anna Kalinskaya in the fourth round.

First round matches to follow: [22] Beatriz Haddad Maia v. Elina Avanesian, [10] Jelena Ostapenko vs. [WC] Naomi Osaka, Karolina Muchova Vs. Katie Volynets, Anastasia Potapova Vs. [23] Leylah Fernandez, [30] Yulia Putintseva vs. Linda Noskova, [SR] Bianca Andreescu vs. [5] Jasmine Paolini

Third quarter

While Gauff’s section doesn’t rival the second quarter in terms of blockbusters, it does promise several intriguing matchups in the third round and beyond. The first seed the American is expected to face is No. 27 Elina Svitolina in what would be a rematch of their excellent final in Auckland in January. Gauff’s scheduled fourth-round opponents are both players who have beaten her this year: No. 13 Emma Navarro knocked her out in the fourth round at Wimbledon, while No. 19 Marta Kostyuk beat her in a third-set tiebreak in Stuttgart. Gauff has won just one match since the Olympics, losing to Shnaider in Toronto and Putintseva in Cincinnati, and she will have her work cut out here.

In the quarterfinals, Gauff will face Barbora Krejcikova, the eighth seed and new Wimbledon champion. The Czech has played just one tournament since winning her second Grand Slam singles trophy, reaching the Olympic quarterfinals. Krejcikova will open against qualifier Marina Bassols Ribera, and could face No. 26 seed Paula Badosa in the third round. The former world No. 2 has won 20 of her last 26 matches, including a fourth career title in Washington and a semifinal in Cincinnati.

Badosa will first face two tough opponents: She will open against former Wimbledon quarter-finalist Viktorija Golubic, owner of a rare one-handed backhand, and could face the net skills of Taylor Townsend in the second round. Townsend, who reached the round of 16 here in 2019, broke into the top 50 for the first time this week after reaching the quarter-finals in Toronto and the third round in Cincinnati.

In the fourth round, Krejcikova or Badosa could face either No. 9 seed Maria Sakkari, three-time US Open finalist and No. 20 seed Victoria Azarenka or 2017 champion Sloane Stephens.

First round matches to watch: Martina Trevisan vs. Taylor Townsend, Viktorija Golubic vs. [26] Paula Badosa, [WC] McCartney Kessler vs. [19] Marta Kostyuk, [27] Elina Svitolina vs. Maria Lourdes Carle, Varvara Gracheva against. [3] Coco Gauff

Fourth quarter

After beating Swiatek and Pegula to win Cincinnati last week, Sabalenka enters the US Open – where she has been a semifinalist twice, in 2021 and 2022, and a finalist last year – as one of the heavy favourites to win the title. A quarter-final clash with Zheng or Anisimova, who beat Sabalenka in Toronto, would be a success.

But the players involved all have banana skins to spare. Sabalenka could face Lulu Sun in the second round, the New Zealander who made a spectacular run to the quarter-finals of Wimbledon as a qualifier. Sun has continued to impress since; this week she reached the quarter-finals (for now) in Monterrey.

Champions Reel: How Aryna Sabalenka won Cincinnati 2024

Sabalenka could face No. 14 Madison Keys in the fourth round if the seeds stay ahead. Keys hasn't won a match since Wimbledon; she injured her hamstring in the fourth round against Paolini and retired in her first match in Toronto in her only outing since.

However, Keys has a solid history at Flushing Meadows. She was a finalist in 2017 and reached the semifinals in 2018 and 2023, where she led Sabalenka 6-0, 5-3 before losing.

If Zheng can defeat Anisimova, she would face either No. 12 seed Daria Kasatkina or No. 24 seed Donna Vekic in the fourth round; the latter would be a rematch of the Olympic final.

First round matches to follow: [7] Zheng Qinwen vs. [WC] Amanda Anisimova, Erika Andreeva vs Yuan Yue, [14] Madison Keys vs. Katerina Siniakova, [Q] Maya Joint vs. Laura Siegemund, Magda Linette vs. [WC] Iva Jovic, Veronika Kudermetova vs. [33] Elise Mertens




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