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The US Navy is out of pants

The US Navy is out of pants


The U.S. Department of Defense has ideas for a dramatic strategy to defend Taiwan against a Chinese military offensive that would involve deploying an “unmanned hellscape” of thousands of drones buzzing around the island nation. Meanwhile, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology this week announced a red-team hacking competition with AI ethics nonprofit Humane Intelligence to find flaws and biases in generative AI systems.

WIRED took a closer look at the Telegram channel and website known as Deep State, which uses public data and secret intelligence to power its live map of the evolving frontline in Ukraine. Protesters descended on New York’s Citi Field on Wednesday to raise awareness about the serious privacy risks associated with the deployment of facial recognition systems at sports venues. The technology is increasingly being implemented in stadiums and arenas across the country with little oversight. And Amazon Web Services updated its guidance on how customers should implement authentication in its Application Load Balancer after researchers discovered an implementation issue that they said could expose misconfigured web applications.

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U.S. Navy officials confirmed to this week that the Navy’s Standard Working Uniform (NWU) pants are out of stock at Navy Exchanges and that supplies are dangerously low in the sea service’s distribution channels. The Navy’s Exchange Service Command is experiencing severe shortages of NWU pants both in stores and online, according to spokeswoman Courtney Williams. Sailors have noticed out-of-stock notifications online, which indicate the pants are not available for purchase in any size. Williams said the current global inventory is at 13 percent and the top priority right now is getting pants to new recruits at Recruit Training Command in Illinois, the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Rhode Island and officer training schools.

The shortage appears to be due to issues with the Defense Logistics Agency's pants pipeline. reports that signs currently on Navy Exchanges indicate the shortage is due to issues with Defense Logistics Agency suppliers. Williams said the command has been in communication with DLA on a timeline for the uniform's production and supply chain.

Mikia Muhammad, a spokeswoman for the Defense Logistics Agency, told that the first resupplies of the pants are scheduled for October, but those supplies will be for recruits and training programs. She said Navy exchanges should expect full support starting in January.

On Monday, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency formally accused Iran of conducting a hacking operation against Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The US president himself had accused Iran in a social media post on August 10, following an August 9 Microsoft report that Iranian hackers were targeting US political campaigns. The Iranian government denies the accusation.

THE [Intelligence Community] U.S. agencies said the Iranians attempted, through social engineering and other means, to gain access to individuals with direct access to presidential campaigns of both political parties. Such activities, including thefts and disclosures, are aimed at influencing the U.S. electoral process.

On August 10, Politico reported that Iran had hacked the Trump campaign and that an entity calling itself Robert had contacted the publication with allegedly stolen documents. The same entity had also contacted the New York Times and the Washington Post with similar documents.

Popular flight tracking service FlightAware announced this week that a misconfiguration in its systems exposed its customers’ personal data, including their names, email addresses, and even some Social Security numbers. The company discovered the exposure on July 25, but said in a breach notification to the California attorney general that the situation may date back to January 2021. The company is requiring all affected users to reset their account passwords.

The company said in its public statement that the exposed data included user ID, password, and email address. Depending on the information you provided, the information may also include your full name, billing address, shipping address, IP address, social media accounts, phone numbers, year of birth, last four digits of your credit card number, aircraft ownership information, industry, title, pilot status (yes/no), and account activity (such as flights viewed and comments posted). It also said in its disclosure to California, “Additionally, our investigation has revealed that your Social Security number may have been exposed.”

Since European law enforcement hacked Sky’s end-to-end encrypted phone network in 2021, the compromised communications have been used as evidence in numerous EU investigations and criminal cases. But a review of court records by 404 Media and Court Watch this week showed that U.S. agencies have also drawn on this trove of roughly half a billion chat messages. U.S. law enforcement has used the data in multiple drug prosecutions, including to go after suspected smugglers transporting cocaine aboard commercial ships and speedboats.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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